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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Walk Down Patience Road

Ponder: to think something over thoroughly; to be deep in thought

 "God engineers our circumstances as he did those of his Son; all we have to do is to follow where he places us. The majority of us are busy trying to place ourselves. God alters things while we wait for Him."
Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917

"I need patience, Lord! I need it now!" Seems simple enough. "Lord, just pour it upon me so I can deal with what I'm going through." But as the following story shares, it's not simple at all.

"A young man went to an aged saint on one occasion and asked him to pray for him saying, 'I find myself giving way to impatience continually. Will you please pray for me that I may be more patient.' The old man agreed. They knelt together and the man of God began to pray: 'Lord, send this young man tribulation in the morning, send this young man tribulation in the afternoon . . . ' The young man nudged him and said, 'No, no not tribulation, patience!' 'But,' said the old saint, 'it is tribulation that worketh patience! If you would know patience you must have the tribulation.'" W. J. Brown, Streams in the Desert 2
We have no idea how having tribulation gives us patience, but God's ways are higher than ours. And as many of you older saints know, patience comes miraculously as we work our way through tribulation. And what a gift it is!
"If you would know victory, you must have conflict, it is ridiculous for anybody to talk about having a victory when they have never been in a conflict. You must be prepared to enter into the arena with the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and He will give you lessons day by day. But I warn you, you will have to be quite prepared to pay the price. No one can enjoy victory without paying a price, even in the ordinary realms of life."   W. J. Brown, Streams in the Desert 2
 No one will ever know the full depth of his capacity for patience and humility as long as nothing bothers him. It is only when times are troubled and difficult that he can see how much of either is in him.
Saint Francis of Assisi, 1181-1226

We don't need to ever ask God: "Give me patience?"All of us go through trials and temptations. It's a part of life. But if you're in God's Will, and you live for Him, He automatically works in you for good.

"There is no such thing as preaching patience into people unless the sermon is so long they have to practice it while they hear. No man can learn patience except by going out into the hurly-burly world and taking life just as it blows. Patience is riding out the gale."
Henry Ward Beecher, 1813-1887

Springtime delight!

The next time you want to ask God for patience, change your request to a prayer of assurance: "God is [my] refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1  This assurance from the Lord ought to take care of all of our fears and problems. He will enable you to continue with renewed strength and confidence.

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