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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Mary had a little Lamb . . .

 "Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go."
What a little face! Looks like a smile just for me!
 . . . whose fleece was white as snow." But the little lamb I saw were a little dirty.
Twice last week I visited a local sheep farm near Hazen. Two years ago I visited there and walked around in the barn with lamb everywhere. It was just as thrilling to be back in the barn!

When spring comes, aside from flowers blooming and warm weather, I look for baby animals. Ponds will have geese and goslings, fields will have cows and calves, backyards will have rabbits and bunnies. And one of my favorite to photograph are lamb.

Since retiring I've been in three sheep barns. My greatest thrill is seeing the small lamb that are kept in stalls to themselves. Our trip last week afforded me that opportunity.

Steve, a friend from Maryland, interceded for me and got me my first visit to a sheep farm. I was only 62. Took me a long time to get there. I gave him a kiss on the cheek for his efforts.

There is another Lamb though that thrills my heart. Jesus. He became the Lamb of God just for me. And you. And you.

Israel had a history of sacrificing Lamb to atone for their sin. And so God provided a Lamb, to sacrifice for our sin. And He is as white as snow!

I love seeing all those little lamb running around, sleeping, jumping, resting. But far better is when I'll see the Son of God, with open arms, who died for me.

Resting in the barn.
I'll still go out looking for baby animals and taking pictures of them. It's one of the joys God has given to me. Yet, my heart knows, my greatest joy is found in the one who died for me. I don't have to look for Him. He's safe in my heart.

"Our notion of sacrifice is the wringing out of us something we don't want to give up. The Bible idea of sacrifice is that I give as a love gift the very best thing I have."
Oswald  Chambers, 1874-1917

Just a little thing.

"O Lamb of God Sweet Lamb of God
I love the Holy Lamb of God
O wash me in His precious blood
My Jesus Christ the Lamb of God."

Ira Sankey

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