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Monday, November 2, 2020

Real Freedom and a Little Fun

 "There are two freedoms: the false, where man is free to do what he likes; the true, where a man is free to do what he ought."
Charles Kingsley, 1819-1875
This would be a wonderful way to pass a fall day!
Tomorrow is an important day in our country. We have the freedom to vote. It is a privilege and shouldn't be taken lightly. 
But I'm talking about a different freedom that Warren Wiersbe pointed out to me the other morning: "What is freedom? Some may say freedom means the privilege of doing what you want to do. But that is not freedom . . . Real freedom is a life controlled by God's truth and motivated by His love.
"This is true in every area of life. If we obey the traffic laws, we have the freedom to drive on the streets and highways. If we obey the laws of truth, we have the freedom to speak, and people will believe us. If we obey the laws of science, we won't blow up the laboratory. If the airplane pilot obeys the laws of aerodynamics, he will be able to fly his plane. You see, we have the freedom to enjoy the power of the law when we have yielded to the commandment of the law. So when I submit myself to the will of God, I am taking my first step toward freedom."
People don't want to submit to laws they don't like. But when you do what you want, your choices hurt others. God's law isn't here to make our lives miserable. His law is here to provide the perfect atmosphere to live and live joyfully.
No matter what happens tomorrow at the voting booths, All those who have given their life to Christ and live for God have hope because God is the greatest hope we can have. His perfect plan is being worked out minute by minute and we know the Author and Creator. We have confidence in our hearts that this world can not take away. 
And now the fun . . .
I received a surprise in the mail last week from my friend, Kathy. She saw a book in Goodwill for $1 and knew I would love it. My surprise? Snowflakes!!!!
As many of you know I love watching snow fall. There is just something mesmerizing about it. Instead of dwelling on dirty snow or shoveling snow or driving in it, let your mind be focused on the beauty of it. It slows you down and gives you pause in life so you can consider the Great Creator.

 Jerry helped me out by holding the pages open. Some of the pages had information about the first person to photograph snowflakes, Wilson A. Bentley, in 1885, and other interesting facts.

Bentley discovered no two snowflakes are alike. They are a "masterpiece of design." he said.

Many of you must remember making snowflakes out of paper when you were young. Or catching a snowflake on your tongue?

The book is written by Jennifer Preston Chushcoff and illustrated and engineered by Yevgeniya Yeretskaya. 

Bentley has an incredible snow crystal collection for you to see at

I will be displaying the book in my home during the season of winter and will enjoy looking at it from time to time. Snow is white and pure, and that's just the way God cleans us when we sin. "Come now, let us settle the matter," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Isaiah 1:18

Thanks, Kathy, for a fun book to remind me of the beauty yet to come. Consider the refreshing and mesmerizing scene of snow this year. It was created by the master Creator!

Let's remember we're now in the month of November. A month to be especially thankful. A month to celebrate with family and friends. We have much to be thankful for. Even in the chaos of our country. We are free in Christ. Now that's worth celebrating!


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