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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Calm and Serene

"Growing older only means the spirit grows serene,
and we behold things with our souls that our eyes have never seen."
Helen Steiner Rice 

Now this is a place I'd enjoy sitting as fall flaunts it's beauty!

Calm and serene? I dare say not very many of us feel calm and serene right now. With all that has happened in our country this year, and a major election only a week away, calm and serene is scarce.

But that poem caught my attention one morning last week, and I've been pondering it and the accompanying Scripture verse (below) ever since:
"Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come." Psalm 71:18 
The words came from the One Minute Devotion book, From the Heart, which shares excerpts from the poems of Helen Steiner Rice and an appropriate Scripture verse. She was popular when I was younger, and I have several of her books of poems. Simple, touching, relevant and heart changing, Steiner's poems were a joy to read.

I can be called older at this point, with hair of gray. Am I serene through the difficulties of this year? Do I want to tell the next generation about God's might?
"If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old."  
James A. Garfield, 1831-1881

A delightful leaf covered path through the woods.
It's so easy to get riled up inside and afraid, but I can honestly say it's just as easy to be serene because of the faith that's in my heart. And, yes, as I grow older my spirit has become serene. It's hard to explain how you can be calm and serene when discord is all around you. But it is true. A miraculous gift from a loving God.
"Spiritually, we never grow old; through the passing of the years we grow so many years young. The characteristic of the spiritual life is its un-aging youth, exactly the opposite of the natural life." 
 Oswald Chambers, 1874-1917
And one of the reasons I write my thoughts on this blog is to  share the God I love, serve and live for. I know what it's like to be encouraged during difficult times. I do want to share of my faithful God and turn hearts to Him.
I love driving down the road and seeing woods filled with bright yellow.
The practical application for the given devotion reads: "Today appreciate those who are older. Value their advice. Seek their companionship." 
I'm going to do just that. Last week while delivering meals for our church, an older woman said to me: "Come visit some time." I've written on my heart to make that visit this week.
"In old age faith seems to be the most marvelous possession anyone can have." 
Malcolm Muggeridge, 1903-1990
Look at that color! It really was this bright!

Calm and serene. It is possible to enjoy these characteristics in times of difficulties. Because of the truth of God's Word we know He is in control of all things, even my little life.
"Spiritual maturity: the quiet confidence that God is in control." 
Charles Swindoll, 1934- 

Love the reds!

Whether you're older or younger or in the middle, do your best to be calm and serene during the difficult days. God promises to see you through!

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