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Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Do You KnowThis Thrill?

 "Those who are readiest to trust God without other evidence than His Word always receive the greatest number of visible evidences of His love."
 C. G. Trumbull
We all have things that thrill out heart. My heart is thrilled when I spot a scene to photograph and get the snap; fall color, snow, gardens, baby animals. That always thrills my heart. Baby leaves thrill my heart. God tells me even when all looks dead in the cold winter there's still hope. Baby leaves will come in spring. I love baby leaves!

My heart was thrilled last week when I heard a new song. The song is titled: "Behold Him"written by Francesca Battistelli, and this lyric in the chorus is excellent: "Feel the thrill of Hope."

I'm a big endorser of God's Hope. I believe in it. I trust His Hope. And I know it is real.
"Hope, the balm and lifeblood of the soul." 
John Armstrong, 1709-1779

People who have not submitted their life to God, or His Son, Jesus Christ, have no idea what His Hope means or does to those who love Him. I can just imagine people saying: "The thrill of Hope? What does that mean?" When you haven't surrendered your heart to God, hope is truly a meaningless word.

"In your silent night When you're not alright
Lift your eyes and Behold Him
Feel the thrill of Hope You are not alone
In this moment Behold Him."

If you don't know God's Hope the casual use of the word hope has nothing to back it up. I hope this; I hope that. No assurance. No comfort. Nothing to believe in. 
It was a damp, gray day but the colors of fall still made a pretty snap!

God's Hope is miraculous. "He who breathes into our hearts the heavenly hope, will not deceive or fail us when we press forward to its realization." Selected, Streams in the Desert, Volume 1, March 26
 Hope to a believer brings complete calm to any and all situations. We know in our heart that God is able to do all things so we don't have a need to be unsure or afraid. If our hearts are true to God, the calm in our hearts is sufficient to make us strong and believe God is with us.
"Life with Christ is an endless hope, without him a hopeless end."
If you put God off and refuse to submit to Him you will never know the Hope He has for you. You will never feel the incredible refreshment in your heart of knowing you are safe in the Arms of God. You can't imagine what a blessing it is to your soul to be under the protected Arms of God and know you are cared for. It's difficult for me to tell you what you are missing.  
The thrill of Hope. What a treasure to the believer.  

"My hope comes from Him." Psalm62:5 
"What a privilege for a believer to be able to say these words! If he is looking for something from this world, it is indeed a poor 'hope.' But if he looks to God to supply his needs, whether they are earthly or spiritual needs, his 'hope' will not be in vain. He may continually make withdrawals from the bank of faith, getting his needs met from the riches of God's loving-kindness."
Charles Spurgeon

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