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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Anchor Holds

One fall day I found this scene in Gettysburg. 

 "Faith is the Christians foundation, hope is his anchor, death is his harbor, Christ is his pilot, and heaven in his country."
Jeremy Taylor, 1613-1667
Every November I celebrate a special anniversary. It's a day that changed my life. No other day compares to the joy I feel as I celebrate this special day. November 14. Forty-two years ago. 
I was lost, and at my lowest, when an older friend suggested I go to church. There just happened to be one a short walk from the apartment I was living in. Those short steps led me to a Baptist church where the gospel of Jesus Christ was presented to me. 

Soon after one Tuesday evening during a revival I walked forward and accepted Jesus into my life. And by His grace, I've never looked back.

Oh, everything didn't automatically become fixed in my life. And through those 42 years, there have been many storms that I felt were going to blow me away. But His Anchor held, took me through the storms and continues to guide me along life's way.

Having faith in Jesus doesn't make your life perfect, or great or even happy. What it does do is provide a steady hand that guides you each step of the way and will always see you safely through. It's a miraculous work in your heart that fills you with joy knowing you are safe in the arms of Jesus.

The Anchor Holds

by Ray Boltz

"I have journey Through the long dark night
Out on the open sea
By faith alone Sight unknown
And yet his eyes were watching me

"The anchor holds Though the ship is battered
The anchor holds Though the sails are torn
I have fallen on my knees As I faced the raging seas
The anchor holds in spite of the storm

"I had visions I've had dreams
I've even held them in my hands
But I never knew They would slip right through
Like they were only grains of sand.

"I have been young but I am older now
And there has been beauty these eyes have seen
but it was in the night through the storms of my life
Oh that's where God proved His love to me
In spite of the storm."  Ray Boltz  Donnie Sumner

 If you're in the middle of a storm . . . if you've lost all hope and have no where to turn, there is somewhere you can go. It's not mystical, or scary, or weak or crazy. It is REAL!

Celebrate with me this week as I celebrate 42 years of living for Jesus, the Living God. Yes, November 14, 1978 changed my life.

1 comment:

  1. Great testimony and post! Well timed in these of trial.




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