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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Use It!

A beautiful morning sunrise as I drove the streets Monday.

Do you use His Word?

The beginning of May my friend, Kathy, told me about Tony Evans' audio teaching on Revelation. I had just started reading through  Revelation three weeks before. I've read through this book a number of times, but it's always beneficial to review and find understanding and new points each time you read.

So I began listening to his study. While teaching in the 19th chapter, Evans asks the question: "Do you use His Word?" He said we study His Word; read it and consider it, but do we use it? "The danger of Bible study is you become satisfied with study and don't use it," he said.

When is the last time you used the Word in a particular situation? When did you last quote God? When did I?

Evans said "Every believer carries authority with God to use His Word. The Word has intrinsic authority; built with His authority. His Word is real. God's power is more real than anything or anyone. Don't be ashamed of the Word of God and don't hesitate to use it."

Flowers along the side of the road are refreshing.

David Jeremiah said: "Jesus will strike down the nations with a Word, symbolized by His sharp sword shaped like a tongue." Revelation 19:15-16 . Out of Jesus' mouth comes a sharp sword and He strikes down the nations. Jesus fights with the Words from His mouth. We can too.

Satan doesn't have to win in our lives. We have the Book that tells us how to fight Satan. We just have to use it.

Little ones are getting bigger. Still hoping to find a few small ones.

We are living in a dangerous time. Our country is being destroyed as people have chosen to live against God. Our fall is inevitable. But what the masses do not know or understand is the power of god. He is in control. Only He will win.

Use His Word. Use His Word. Quote it out loud.

God's Word is real; God's power is more real than anything or anyone. 

My heart was encouraged hearing this point. I haven't used His Word enough. It's time to start!


That little face. Oh so sweet!

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