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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Real You

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I begin this post I'm thinking to myself, "Do you really want to do this?" It's revealing of the real me and the simple life I live. I've decided to share this because there may be someone who needs to read this. If you haven't already done something like this, maybe it is worth thinking about.

We record the sermons of Dr. Robert Jeffress each Sunday morning. He is the pastor at First Baptist in Dallas. The series he's now preaching on is titled: "Choose Your Attitude, Change Your Life" and the other Sunday he was talking about how important it is to have a goal in your life; to know what God has gifted you to do so you can have a productive life.

While he was talking I remembered my list that was created some 20-25 years ago about what I have to do to accomplish what God has called me to do. It helps me to accept my shortcomings and use them for good as I serve God. My list is on bright yellow paper, typed in bold print and laminated, so I will have it ever before me.

Even at my age the list is a constant reminder of why I'm on this earth, and it inspires me to do the work I'm meant to do.

I'm a simple-minded person and the list is as simple as I am. This is my life. I'm satisfied with my life and what God has chosen for me to do. This is what I wrote:

For Carol to be successful in life, through my relationship with Jesus Christ, I must:
  1. Accept my spiritual gift of encouragement and exhortation and do all I can to implement this service for God.
  2. Accept that God has made me sensitive, deep-feeling, and emotional so that I can utilize His gift in my life.
  3. Accept that my gift is accomplished in solitude (writing notes), the quiet of my home, and no one will know that I'm doing anything for God.
  4. Accept that I must spend quiet time with God to prepare my heart for the service He has called me to, and be filled with Him to succeed each day.
  5. Accept that I must lead a disciplined, organized life on a daily basis, needing must rest and quiet.
  6. Accept that I haven't been called to numerous actions and projects, nor important decision-making, but to empathize with people and touch hearts through God's love and care.
  7. Do all I can to keep my eye on the goal set before me and not be distracted by self doubt.
  8. Realize that only I can accomplish God's purpose for my life, not another, and it is good in His sight.
  9. Doubt not that God knows my fears and is able to overcome all that inhibits me.
  10. Be faithful in what God has give me to do and He will fill my life with good things.
 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."
 Romans: 8:28

Well, there you have it. I've laid myself open and you know just who I am. I listed the things I have to accept and do in my life if I'm going to be successful in God's eyes. And really, He's the only one I need to please.

Do you know what God wants you to do in your life? Have you accepted the gift(s) He's given you and know the steps you need to take to accomplish His work? Do you accept your flaws and things you don't like about yourself?

Maybe you just need to make a simple list like mine, being completely honest with yourself, no matter how silly, stupid or simple it makes you feel, and do it.

There is nothing better in life than to know your true self and accomplish the work you've been put on this earth to do. Did I really want to do this? No. But maybe it's there just for you.


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