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Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Good Study

 Half our doubts and fears arise from dim perceptions of the real nature of Christ's gospel . . . The root of a happy "faith" is clear, distinct, well-defined knowledge of Jesus Christ."
John Charles Ryle (1816-1900)

I'm so excited! I finished my study on the book of Revelation and was trying to decide what to read and study next. This morning Scripture came to mind that I hadn't thought of in a very long time. Matthew 5, 6  & 7 . . . The Sermon on the Mount.

When I was a new Christian my pastor gave a nine month study for new Christians on The Sermon on the Mount. It was one hour every Wednesday evening, and it provided me with good knowledge on the Bible and how to live as a Christian.

I took the study twice because I got so much out of it, and even purchased the cassette tapes of the class and listened to them a few times. I wish I had those tapes now. What memories they would inspire!

Robert Crowley was my spiritual father and teacher, and I was under his leadership for six years. He taught the Singles class the first year I was saved. My growth and maturity as a person and as a Christian I owe to him.

"Knowledge is indispensable to Christian life and service . . . Knowledge is given us to be used, to lead us to higher worship, greater faith, deeper holiness, better service."
John R. Stott (1921-2011)

There are many books and videos online about The Sermon on the Mount. I'm investigating them to see which one I will use to help me in my study. I always use my Commentary, but hearing someone teach on God's Word helps me understand better.

Do you remember a study that greatly impacted your life? When you know you received greater understanding and knowledge about your faith? I encourage you to return to that study that helped build you up as a Christian.

It is always good to refresh our understanding on things we've learned years earlier. After the experience of living many years of as a Christian, it is surprising what you'll "see" as you restudy Scripture.

Yes, I'm excited! I can hardly wait to begin.

These two grew up fast!

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