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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

That Well Again

 Fawn are almost spotless now and have grown confidant and sure. I love seeing them stamp their feet like Momma when there may be danger.  It always makes me smile.

I know that trials and sufferings are hard. You do too. But looking at it from God's perspective makes those trials and sufferings easier. Knowing He will work for good and instill qualities in you that you can share with others makes it a little easier to go through them.

I was introduced to a song in 2018, and I heard it mentioned again this past Sunday morning. I wrote a post regarding it in 2018, and following is that post. I think it's a good lesson for all of us and encouragement in helping us through valleys. I love the words, especially the chorus, and several groups sing it on YouTube.
 "Leave a Well in the Valley."
"Leave a well in the valley
your dark and lonesome valley
for others have to walk that valley too
what a blessing they will find
the well of JOY you've left behind
leave a well in the valley you go through."

Gordon Jensen, Lyrics 

These words struck a cord in me. As a note writer who wants to encourage those that I write, I definitely believe sharing what God has done for you will help others. You can encourage, inspire and motivate a person who is walking through their own valley.

The phrase "leave a well in the valley" signifies hope and joy. That you made it through and others will too. My dictionary defines "well" as "a spring serving as a source of water." Such as "streams in the desert."  Isiah 35:6.

 The fields are alive with color! Everywhere you look entire fields are yellow. Goldenrod blooms. What a fitting way to welcome Fall!

"Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress." Psalm 4:1a    I liked what was written in the September 8th devotion in Streams in the Desert about this verse: "This is one of the grandest testimonies ever given by man to the moral government of God. It is not a man's thanksgiving that he has been set free from suffering. It is a thanksgiving that he has been set free through suffering . . . He declares the sorrows of life to have been themselves the source of life's enlargement . . . to encourage others."
There is also a book by the same title by Dale Peterson. I appreciate these words he said: "Emotional and spiritual stamina begins with the tiniest seed--thoughts of hope deep within the recesses of our hearts and minds." How true. That word hope matters. Hope. HOPE! GOD'S HOPE!

"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."
 Psalm 71:14

Hope is a big word for me. I live it. I trust it. I believe it. Sharing that hope with others makes a difference. 

Just a few spots are seen on this fawn as it takes a rest behind our house.

I also like these words Dave Brown said in the description of this book on Amazon: "God prepares deep valleys for some of us to walk through in order to touch many lives with His love and grace . . . Instead of allowing Peterson's troubles to destroy him, he dug wells in his valleys that would not only refresh him but also water the lives of those his life touches."

I believe strongly in leaving a well in the valley so others can be refreshed. The second verse says:

"Blessed is the man who has learned to understand
He's to be the hand of God to those in need
then all the tears that you have shed
with God's help become instead
a precious balm for those hearts that bleed." 

My life verse identifies with the words "leave a well in the valley:" Proverbs 11:25: " . . . he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."  In Matthew Henry's Commentary he speaks about Proverbs 11:25:

 "The liberal soul, the soul of blessing, that prays for the afflicted and provides for them, that scatters blessings with gracious lips and generous hands, that soul shall be made fat with true pleasure and enriched with more grace . . . He that waters others with the streams of his bounty shall be also watered himself, God will certainly return it in the dew, in the plentiful showers, of his blessing, which he will pour out, till there be not room enough to receive it. (Malachi 3:10)

I'm so thankful for the joy that is ours because of the creative gifts of writers who fill our soul with good things to read. I'm so glad I was introduced to this song. It is encouragement to me!

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