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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Please Wonder

A friend posted this poem on my Facebook page. If you've never stopped to wonder, this would be a good time!

Have You Ever Stopped to Wonder?

Have you ever stopped to wonder what this life is all about?
Why you're here and where you're going when you're lease on life runs out?
Maybe you've been far too busy trying hard to reach your goal;
Would you let me ask you kindly, have you thought about your soul?

You may reach the highest portals, and your dreams may all come true;
Wealth and fame may be your portion, and success may shine on you.
All your friends may sing your praises, not a care on you may roll;
What about the great tomorrow--have you thought about your soul?

Don't forget your days are numbered, though you may be ridin' high;
But like all of us poor mortals, someday you'll just up and die.
Your success and fame and glory won't be worth the bell they toll;
Let me ask you just one question, have you thought about your soul?

If you've never thought it over, spend a little time today;
There's nothing more important that will ever come your way.
Than the joy of sins forgivern and to know you've been made whole.
In the name of Christ the Saviour, have you thought about your soul?

Author Unknown 

It's not admired; it's not desired; it's not hip, and it's not the thing to do. But one day you'll be sorry for passing this question and not wondering. Please wonder. There's very few things that are true and right. Your soul is the very being of you. And in the end, your soul is all that will matter.

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