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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Speak Out Loud

 Over the Labor day weekend I finished this top. I love the wildlife scene. It felt good to accomplish something after my "lazing" summer. I purchased the fabric months ago and donated some of it to the quilting group. They created two blankets out of it. But I kept some for myself, and finally felt like doing something with it. I'm hoping the Quilt Shop just down the road will still have the blue fabric. I want to use it for the back.

"Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you."
Proverbs 2:11
That's the scripture verse Charles Stanley used for a short devotion in Wisdom From Above. His message was : "Help me speak the words of faith that will preserve my soul."

We read the Bible all the time, but how many of us actually speak the words from our mouth? Sometimes I do, but the majority of times I don't. I thought his words interesting as he wrote about going through adversity:

"Adversity should never be the end of our faith--it should be the spark that ignites it . . . What should you do when you discern that your circumstances are indeed rattling your confidence . . . Make the decision to believe that God is trustworthy . . . The Lord always keeps His promises, so quote them often . . . Give Him thanks for guiding you . . . Praise Him for having wisdom . . . He knows the way to produce the most spiritual fruit, the strongest character, and the greatest faith in you . . . Refuse to doubt God . . . When you see adversity through God's perspective, you will always receive His peace and rest . . . Read His Word aloud . . . SPEAK in faith, it will certainly return to you in blessing . . . Help me speak the words of faith that will preserve my soul."

Spots are beginning to fade on older fawn as we head into the Fall season. The cuteness of early life and exploration is giving way to confidence.

When we hear a sermon, God's Word is spoken aloud. It reaches us. It settles in us. It motivates us. If we actually speak it aloud, it reaches into the depths of us.

We sing aloud, and what encouragement our soul receives. Let's speak his Words aloud, often, and gain a deeper feeling of His presence.

Whether you're in a season of adversity or your heart is full of joy and thankfulness, SPEAK God's Word out loud and let it permeate your entire being!

Speak boldly, and speak truly. Shame the devil!
John Fletcher (1579-1625)

Summer gardens are full as we come into the Fall season. How I miss you, lovely garden!

1 comment:

  1. "SPEAK in faith, it will certainly return to you in blessing . . . Help me speak the words of faith that will preserve my soul." I love this--I must remember when I need it! Thanks my friend!


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