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Wednesday, May 3, 2017

It's Your Choice

"The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live in a circle of those who are." C. S. Lewis

What a wonderful time I had as I met my friend, Brenda, at The Country Cupboard in Lewisburg, PA. It is a favorite establishment of mine for enjoying a good meal and shopping delightful little shops all under one roof.

Do you choose your friends on how wise they are? People who appear to have integrity, be honest and show wisdom in their choices.

Even though I've "felt unequal" in knowledge and intellect than many people I'm drawn too, each person I've made friends with have inspired my life.

You can be sure that I'm not putting myself down or think less of myself than I should in writing the words "unequal". I know I'm a child of the King and He made me to be exactly who I am, and I'm fine with that. "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14  But I do know and accept that I'm limited in a number of areas. Then again, I guess we all are.

One of my weaknesses is in pronouncing words. I have a difficult time remembering and pronouncing words, and it has kept me from making comments and participating in conversations through my life.

I also can't express myself when in a group of people. The words just don't come to my mind, so again I remain quiet. It's always makes me feel uncomfortable. If I had the ability to remain a homebody all my life I probably would have done that. Anything than be in a group of people.

There's a commercial on television for a medicine named Rexulti. It is to help people with depression, etc. In the commercial people hold up a sign in front of their face with a smiley face on it. But their own face is sad. Well, that was me during a lot of my working years. I just couldn't open my mouth to say anything in groups of people. And I felt unqualified.

As I wrote last week, I worked for a State Convention for 16 years. Through most of those years I never felt as capable as most of my co-workers. I was a sponge that soaked up good behavior, intelligent decisions and honest living.

When I spoke about the ministry of note writing to groups of people, my talk was typed up, word for word, and I read the script in it's entirety. That's the only way I could stand in front of a group of people and tell about the ministry I love so much. And I got good at it. You really couldn't tell I was reading a script.

Let me not forget to say that even people of wisdom are human and make mistakes. I'm not looking for perfect people to associate with. But I am looking for people who I've seen display qualities of goodness, respect and care for their fellow beings.

"We reform others unconsciously when we walk uprightly." Madame Annie Sophie Soymanov Swechine (1782-1857)

My friend, Brenda, and me.

I can sure remember a few choices I've made in my life that didn't put me in the company of good people. And I've suffered because of it.

I believe the words C. S. Lewis wrote are true, and worthy to be applied to your life. I know I've been helped by associating with people I believe are "quality" people. Like I said, I'm a sponge soaking up the good in others in hopes of helping myself along the way.

As a child of God knows, true wisdom comes from God. And His instruction book is the right choice! There are many fine folk in the world who have walked with Him, and their behavior and presence shows it. That's my choice. No matter my weaknesses, I want my presence to show I'm a child of the King!

"When I think of those who have influenced my life the most, I think not of the great, but of the good." John Knox (c. 1514-1640)

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