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Wednesday, April 26, 2017


"Faithfulness in little things is a big thing."
Saint John Chrysostom (c. 347-407)

A look through my journals recently, which contain pictures and quotes and stories I like, I came across this quote that describes me:

"Although I never rose above the position of secretary, my reputation as a woman of notes was recognized by many in my day."   Bernard Barton, Quaker Poet

Secretaries have not always been thought of as a desirable position. But I found it to be fulfilling, and it used the gifts God gave to me.

This quote brought back memories from a girl in school. A friend's mother was a secretary, and I wanted to be one. I couldn't understand shorthand in High School, and thought, "I can't be a secretary.

After a few years with the local telephone company, I was given an opportunity to be a secretary. Even without shorthand. A dream came true. I never thought it would happen.

Then a few years later when I became a Christian, I was walking down the church hallway. As I passed the church office I thought: "I'll never be able to work in the church office because I've been divorced." Some twenty years later I found myself working in a church office. I never thought it would happen.

After a few more years, I found myself working as a secretary in a State Convention. I never felt worthy. Why would they want me? I've been divorced. But God said I was worthy.

Being a secretary was all I've ever wanted to be. I was offered management positions in the telephone company, but I turned them down. And I did inspire to a higher ground with the convention but still in the Administrative field. I knew my talents and gifts were specifically meant to work as a secretary. And God fulfilled each dream.

It may not seem like much, but for me it was everything. And early in my career I started writing notes. And the purpose of my writing notes was to encourage others with God's love. And because of Him, I have been recognized for my service of note writing.

Little things. A secretary. A note writer. Little in many eyes. Big in my eyes. I've found it's not what you are. It's if you're faithful with what God has given you to do.

This isn't a pat on the back for me. I am unworthy of everything. It's the faithfulness of God when someone gives their life to Him.

"Is your place a small place? Tend it with care!--He set you there.
Is your place a large place? Guard it with care!--He set you there.
Whate'er your place, it is Not yours alone, but his Who set you there."
John Oxenham (1861-1941)

So never fear in how big or small the things are that you do for God. Use the gifts He has given you and be faithful.

"God has not called me to be successful; he has called me to be faithful." Mother Theresa of Calcutta

Abby and Jo waiting for Mom to finish typing.

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