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Wednesday, April 12, 2017


"A hymnal is typically a hard bound book containing a lifetime of testimonies and worship, held sacred by those who use it for praise and community. Although the songs are far-reaching and serve as the soundtrack of the lives of so many church-goers, they are in no way common, but reverent works of art." DeWayne Hamby, BackHome Magazine

This week as so many people go to church to celebrate the resurrection of Christ Jesus, take a moment and really listen to and think about the words you sing.

Don't just read the words off the screen at the front of the sanctuary. Perhaps this week you could pick up the hymnal and really look at the words you are singing for this special celebration.

The above quote really tells it like it is. Many songs are written from a heart that is bursting to tell their story. What God has done for them. How He answered prayer. When He comforted them.

My heart soars as I sing the songs of God. I see the words. I feel the words. And I may be the only one in the sanctuary that sings from the hymnal each week. I wouldn't change it for the world.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, my new pastor sings a cappella each week to open the service. It is a beautiful experience as I truly listen to the words and hear them sung from someone who believes them and stands tall for Christ.

Words are very important. This is an important week. Take time to look at those words. Your eyes may be opened to riches you've only dreamed about.

“Songs and hymns refresh the body. Hymns invoke the spirit to rise to its maker for strength. When we live in a day without a hymn or a song, we disregard the essence of the day”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

1 comment:

  1. Hi my friend! Thanks for the reminder to slow down and focus on how much we have been given by the way of an old rugged cross. Happy Easter to you and yours!


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