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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Another One Checked Off

Many of you saw this picture of the bear and two cubs that I posted on Facebook last week. It was a magical morning driving around first light and come across a bear. It was one of my wishes before I die.

Now I know most people call the list of  things they want to do before they die a bucket list. Because of the 2007 movie The Bucket List, starting Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, people started using that expression themselves. Merriam-Webster says "a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying." Bucket List is now tossed around because people somehow relate to it.

I don't. The expression doesn't do anything for me. We never heard it in the 20th century, then one day in the 21st century everyone is using it. It will always be "Wish List" to me.

I have more things crossed off my Wish List than I have remaining to do.

I did see a bear about 6 years ago in VA. Too far away and no picture. So I'm super excited to have seen this mama and her cubs. At least I have a recognizable picture to look at. Not great, but I know what they are.

It may seem like a dumb or crazy thing to wish for, but if you know me you know that I love animals, especially baby animals. And, of course, who hasn't had their own little teddy bear that meant the world to them. That's my teddy bear sitting with all my friends. I can make out Fabian on the lamp shade.

I enjoyed watching the DVD Knut about an orphaned polar bear and a Berlin zookeeper who took him under his wings. And I love looking through my book Grizzly: The Bears of Greater Yellowstone. I will never have the opportunity to take pictures of bears in the wild like I enjoy looking at.

So I now find myself in the wilds of Pennsylvania, bear, deer and turkey country. Elk aren't far away, about 1 1/2 hours. Not sure which back road I'll be taking next, but who knows what I may find to take a picture of. More bears I hope.

This past Monday morning I saw my first PA fawn. They are up and moving around. This doe and fawn stepped about 10 feet into the woods as I drove by. Thankfully they turned around so I could get this snap of both of them looking at me.

Can't wait for my next drive around!

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