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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Second Chances

 On my drive home from work one day I came upon a small sheep farm. I pulled in and went down the steps to the barn and asked the owner if I could take some pictures. He talked with me about sheep care and being at the Howard County Fair Grounds for Sheep Day.

Isn't it wonderful that God never gives up on us? He is willing to give us many chances to help us reach our full potential.

I, shamefully, admit that I have failed at my attempt to achieve my desire to have a war room. Although the desire is within me to have a disciplined and vibrant prayer time, I just haven't got there.

But God has provided a second chance. The Women's Ministry at my church is having a retreat the end of April that will focus on fervent prayer. An added bonus is my friend, Melody, who I worked with at the Baptist Convention, will lead us. I'm very familiar with her disciplined prayer life.

                                                     Cute snap of two little lamb.

The other week Melody came to my church to share at each service what we will be learning at the retreat. It was an inspiring and heartfelt message, as she too, was touched by Miss Clara's  (War Room) fervent prayer and wants to enhance her own prayer life.

Melody quotes Chuck Swindoll who said: "I have learned knowledge comes, but insight lingers. Knowledge does not always change behavior; it is a mere collection of facts . . . Insight is a singular blend of knowledge and wisdom married to decisive results." I like that. Insight lingers.

Melody sang "Bow the Knee" at both services and the gift of song her name aptly suggests describes the song God gave to her. Melody also said she hadn't stopped praying for the prayer request I shared with her years ago. That touched my heart. I want what she has. She's not perfect, but she's willing and honest, plus a whole lot of fun!

I don't consider myself old . . . only older. It is only normal that my abilities and energy change, but even how slow or unable I am, I can still pray. So I'm going to try very hard to not fail in this attempt.

So I will invest again in my wish to be a fervent prayer warrior, and thank God as He continually encourages His child.

                                                                  Hey Mom, Wait up!

1 comment:

  1. I am so looking forward to spending time with you and the ladies of Mt. Airy. There is a change coming in the air in our prayer lives--fervent!


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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...