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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Doing the Little Things

The Helleborus are in bloom to usher in spring. They're a delightful little flower that gives me hope that spring is near.

"'Salute Apelles approved in Christ' (Romans 16:10). Nothing more is known of Apelles than this. It is enough his was the ministry of the unnoticed--obscure, unseen, but approved. You pine for recognition, for publicity, for some great task which will bring great acclaim! Perhaps there is so much to be done around you of little significance that you shun the responsibility thinking one with less ambition will accomplish the mundane. Many little, unimportant responsibilities can add up to be greater than a few 'illustrious' deeds. God is as concerned about the little tasks being accomplished as He is about the immense . . . So here you are in your little plot by the wayside, little known, and hardly noticed by the world at large; yet 'the Lord hath commended you a task' and to that work you must bend your best talent and energy."

That was the March 19th devotion in Streams in the Desert 2. An apt reminder that all things done for God, whether big or small, serves our living Lord.

A small bloom is reassurance from God that soon His creation will be in full bloom. I can hardly wait!

"In God's family there is to be one great body of people; servants. In fact, that's the way to the top in His kingdom." Charles. R. Swindoll

The last two weeks we've had a young family come to work in our yard and clean up the gardens for us. Neither Jerry or I are able to do this work. But with smiles on their faces, and joy in their hearts, they came and worked. How grateful we are!

Helping others. One of God's gifts of service is helping others. Seems like such a small thing to do. Who notices? No one except the family giving and the family receiving. Ah, but there is one more that notices. God.

                               And, of course, the happy daffodils are now up and blooming!

This is how He wants us to serve others. Not in a big flash of recognition and approval. Just little deeds of service to help others. Such a small thing. To give of one's self. Who has time for that?

We all have time if we but discipline ourselves to do what is good and right. The need is certainly out there. Keeping your eyes and ears open so you'll know a need is easy to do.

My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for the help we were given in this time of need. Although my gardens will get a little less attention this year, I'm hoping next spring I'll be able to work in them.

"The noblest service comes from unseen hands, And the best servant does his work unseen." Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

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