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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Miracles Happen

        I saw a similar picture on Facebook and decided I wanted to do one of my girls.
                                             Three months and 2 years. Still best friends.

I want to tell you a little story about me. I believe that miracles happen. This is one of mine.

January found all of us getting forms for tax purposes and summaries for health plans. The summary I received for my health needs in 2015 totaled $218,000. I didn't know how much cancer treatments would be or knee replacements. It's a lot of money to pay without health insurance.

I think back to the date of my retirement, October 2011. Beginning November 2011 I had no health insurance. I was unable to continue health coverage through the program I was under at work. And all other health coverage was too much money.

I went from November 2011 to February 2014 with no health insurance. I prayed a lot. I hurt my knee and learned to bear the pain. Thankfully there were no major health concerns through those years.

When I turned 65, I was very glad to be able to obtain Medicare health insurance. I wasn't going to get supplemental though, I firmly decided. With Medicare handling 80% of the cost, I decided I could handle the other 20%.

It wasn't until the last month, June, that I could apply for supplemental insurance and something changed my mine. I felt strongly I should apply for it. So I did. I didn't know why. Something spoke to me. In December of 2014 I learned I had cancer. I started treatments January 2015.

In July of 2015 I had knee replacement surgery. And all through the year little health concerns popped up with all I was going through.

I believe with all my heart that God saw me through those years without coverage, being able to bear my knee pain, and once I had insurance, saw me through a difficult year. I believe he spoke to me to get supplemental insurance so I wouldn't be left with a large bill to pay. That 20% would have been $40,000+. I believe it was my very own miracle.

God speaks to us in many ways, through the hearing of His Word, the singing of hymns and praise music, the counsel of those filled with His wisdom, and our heart and brain when our mind is fixed on Him. We just have to be ready to hear. I'm so glad I was.

Miracles happen. I'm one very thankful believer!

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