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Wednesday, March 30, 2016


"God makes a promise; faith believes it, hope anticipates it, patience quietly awaits it."

                           A lovely magnolia tree I did fine Driving to Lancaster one spring day
                          Nary a better one has crossed my path Full and free as that dear tree

Poetry hasn't been my strong point, but I couldn't help myself! My little magnolia tree has a long way to go before it competes with this fine tree. At least I have some lovely snaps to enjoy! I found it on the way to Lancaster, just outside York, one spring day. I made Jerry turn around and pull over so I could capture it's beauty, running across a very congested two lane roadway, on two bad knees (before my first surgery). It was, indeed, well worth my effort! (Although Jerry didn't think so.)

Most of us our very familiar with the stirring melody and song of  Standing on the Promises. It's a fun song to sing, but have you ever taken the time to read the words?

It's been over a year now that I've been reading one hymn in my hymnal during my devotions because of a suggestion by a friend. It's been a blessing reading the words. What amazing writers!

Take a few minutes and read out loud these stirring and satisfying words. I love verses two and three.

"Standing on the promises of Christ my King, Thro' eternal ages let His praises ring;
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing, Standing on the promise of God.

"Standing on the promise that cannot fail, When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail, Standing on the promises of God.

"Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord,
Over coming daily with the Spirit's sword, Standing on the promises of God.

"Standing on the promises I cannot fail, Listening ev 'ry moment to the Spirit's call,
Resting in my Savior as my all in all, Standing on the promises of God."

How are you standing? I hope by the living Word of God and overcoming daily with the Sprit's sword bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord!

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ. And so through Him the 'Amen' is spoken by us to the glory of God."      2 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV)

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Doing the Little Things

The Helleborus are in bloom to usher in spring. They're a delightful little flower that gives me hope that spring is near.

"'Salute Apelles approved in Christ' (Romans 16:10). Nothing more is known of Apelles than this. It is enough his was the ministry of the unnoticed--obscure, unseen, but approved. You pine for recognition, for publicity, for some great task which will bring great acclaim! Perhaps there is so much to be done around you of little significance that you shun the responsibility thinking one with less ambition will accomplish the mundane. Many little, unimportant responsibilities can add up to be greater than a few 'illustrious' deeds. God is as concerned about the little tasks being accomplished as He is about the immense . . . So here you are in your little plot by the wayside, little known, and hardly noticed by the world at large; yet 'the Lord hath commended you a task' and to that work you must bend your best talent and energy."

That was the March 19th devotion in Streams in the Desert 2. An apt reminder that all things done for God, whether big or small, serves our living Lord.

A small bloom is reassurance from God that soon His creation will be in full bloom. I can hardly wait!

"In God's family there is to be one great body of people; servants. In fact, that's the way to the top in His kingdom." Charles. R. Swindoll

The last two weeks we've had a young family come to work in our yard and clean up the gardens for us. Neither Jerry or I are able to do this work. But with smiles on their faces, and joy in their hearts, they came and worked. How grateful we are!

Helping others. One of God's gifts of service is helping others. Seems like such a small thing to do. Who notices? No one except the family giving and the family receiving. Ah, but there is one more that notices. God.

                               And, of course, the happy daffodils are now up and blooming!

This is how He wants us to serve others. Not in a big flash of recognition and approval. Just little deeds of service to help others. Such a small thing. To give of one's self. Who has time for that?

We all have time if we but discipline ourselves to do what is good and right. The need is certainly out there. Keeping your eyes and ears open so you'll know a need is easy to do.

My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for the help we were given in this time of need. Although my gardens will get a little less attention this year, I'm hoping next spring I'll be able to work in them.

"The noblest service comes from unseen hands, And the best servant does his work unseen." Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I'm Excited!

Now that's a stack of Clark bars! My favorite candy bar. My friend, Carol, gifted me with them for my birthday. Jerry says I'm now rolling down Clark Avenue! Yum! Yum!

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

I just had a few exciting days! Let me tell you how it started.

I enjoy the work of Susan Branch, artist and author. She's known for her "Heart of the Home" books. She hand writes and water colors most (maybe all) of her books, which makes you feel like you're having an intimate conversation with a friend.

She also wrote A Fine Romance: Falling in love with the English Countryside, in 2013. It's a journal of her two month trip to England. A very good read.

The book I recently purchased that got me so excited is titled: Girlfriends Forever. And you know how I feel about my friends! On the inside front and back cover, a few other pages too, are pictures of her girlfriends through the years. Ah . . . are you seeing where this is going?

I had to do it! I created a Shutterfly book of my closest friends through my life. No, sorry. No intimate secrets or gossip. Just a collection of pictures of my friends who have touched my life in a special way.

I wrote down all the names I could remember, and then looked through old telephone books I used, so I wouldn't leave anyone out. I'm glad I did because I almost missed two friends.

My Celebration of Friends party I hosted when I turned 55 helped me to remember also. What a special day that was when I honored 16 friends, all sitting in my living room, because of their friendship with me.

This book was a labor of love. I pulled out old photo albums to find pictures going way back when. Creating the book was fun. The picture on the front cover is of the very earliest "friends" I had (below). I think I knew back then the importance friends would play in my life!

It starts out with my friend, Linda, in elementary school. Then my friend, Linda #2, in junior and senior high school. Then, Linda #3, in my early working years. I've gotten a lot of good mileage with my Linda friends, and I still have contact with them all these years later.

I'm patiently waiting for my new book to arrive. It is one that I will cherish for the rest of my life.

"The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared with Jesus Christ." Oswald Chambers

Yes, Jesus closes out the cherished book . . . my very best and loving friend!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Second Chances

 On my drive home from work one day I came upon a small sheep farm. I pulled in and went down the steps to the barn and asked the owner if I could take some pictures. He talked with me about sheep care and being at the Howard County Fair Grounds for Sheep Day.

Isn't it wonderful that God never gives up on us? He is willing to give us many chances to help us reach our full potential.

I, shamefully, admit that I have failed at my attempt to achieve my desire to have a war room. Although the desire is within me to have a disciplined and vibrant prayer time, I just haven't got there.

But God has provided a second chance. The Women's Ministry at my church is having a retreat the end of April that will focus on fervent prayer. An added bonus is my friend, Melody, who I worked with at the Baptist Convention, will lead us. I'm very familiar with her disciplined prayer life.

                                                     Cute snap of two little lamb.

The other week Melody came to my church to share at each service what we will be learning at the retreat. It was an inspiring and heartfelt message, as she too, was touched by Miss Clara's  (War Room) fervent prayer and wants to enhance her own prayer life.

Melody quotes Chuck Swindoll who said: "I have learned knowledge comes, but insight lingers. Knowledge does not always change behavior; it is a mere collection of facts . . . Insight is a singular blend of knowledge and wisdom married to decisive results." I like that. Insight lingers.

Melody sang "Bow the Knee" at both services and the gift of song her name aptly suggests describes the song God gave to her. Melody also said she hadn't stopped praying for the prayer request I shared with her years ago. That touched my heart. I want what she has. She's not perfect, but she's willing and honest, plus a whole lot of fun!

I don't consider myself old . . . only older. It is only normal that my abilities and energy change, but even how slow or unable I am, I can still pray. So I'm going to try very hard to not fail in this attempt.

So I will invest again in my wish to be a fervent prayer warrior, and thank God as He continually encourages His child.

                                                                  Hey Mom, Wait up!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Miracles Happen

        I saw a similar picture on Facebook and decided I wanted to do one of my girls.
                                             Three months and 2 years. Still best friends.

I want to tell you a little story about me. I believe that miracles happen. This is one of mine.

January found all of us getting forms for tax purposes and summaries for health plans. The summary I received for my health needs in 2015 totaled $218,000. I didn't know how much cancer treatments would be or knee replacements. It's a lot of money to pay without health insurance.

I think back to the date of my retirement, October 2011. Beginning November 2011 I had no health insurance. I was unable to continue health coverage through the program I was under at work. And all other health coverage was too much money.

I went from November 2011 to February 2014 with no health insurance. I prayed a lot. I hurt my knee and learned to bear the pain. Thankfully there were no major health concerns through those years.

When I turned 65, I was very glad to be able to obtain Medicare health insurance. I wasn't going to get supplemental though, I firmly decided. With Medicare handling 80% of the cost, I decided I could handle the other 20%.

It wasn't until the last month, June, that I could apply for supplemental insurance and something changed my mine. I felt strongly I should apply for it. So I did. I didn't know why. Something spoke to me. In December of 2014 I learned I had cancer. I started treatments January 2015.

In July of 2015 I had knee replacement surgery. And all through the year little health concerns popped up with all I was going through.

I believe with all my heart that God saw me through those years without coverage, being able to bear my knee pain, and once I had insurance, saw me through a difficult year. I believe he spoke to me to get supplemental insurance so I wouldn't be left with a large bill to pay. That 20% would have been $40,000+. I believe it was my very own miracle.

God speaks to us in many ways, through the hearing of His Word, the singing of hymns and praise music, the counsel of those filled with His wisdom, and our heart and brain when our mind is fixed on Him. We just have to be ready to hear. I'm so glad I was.

Miracles happen. I'm one very thankful believer!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...