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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Time Marches On

Happy Birthday Abby and Jo! My little girls turned two on December 5th. They're just as happy, fun and excitable as they were the day we brought them home.

They each received a new toy to fill with peanut butter! They do love their peanut butter. Ohhh, reminds me of my kiss cookies!

                                                                 The eyes say it all!

                                            And a good night to all on a very happy day!

Happy Anniversary to Jerry and me! We celebrate 30 years on December 14th (yes, 14th again). It seems like such a big number, 30. How did we make it? We'll be celebrating lunch at the Shamrock, near Thurmont.

I created a memory book on Shutterfly for Jerry of pictures over the last 30 years. The cover I did myself (as you can tell . . . a little goofy).
Enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch with my school age friends, Linda and Paula.
The restaurant was cozy and festive and provided us a wonderful time to enjoy each other's company.
I liked this window scene!

And Christmas is only 16 days away. They say time goes by faster as you age, but I'm so much slower than I was that I don't understand how it goes by faster.

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