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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Right Nice Bow

               Our friend, Keith, took this snap of Jerry and me for our 30th anniversary picture.

Monday we were on our way to the Shamrock restaurant outside of Thurmont for an anniversary lunch. When we got in the car I noticed that Jerry had cologne on and mentioned it. He said: "Remember when we were first dating. We were going to a concert one evening, so I went to your Mom's house from work and took a shower, then waited for you to get home. When you opened the door, the first thing you said was: "I smell a man!" I did remember that comment. Then Jerry said: "Well the cologne I have on today, and the cologne I used that evening 30 years ago, are from the same bottle. That jar of cologne must be 40 years old!" We had a good laugh.

Last Christmas I bought two bow tree toppers. I loved all the billows of ribbon used to make it a beautiful bow. I decided I wanted to learn how to make Christmas bows. I pulled up some videos on YouTube, picked the one I wanted to try and went to work.

It was such a delight to put them together! I truly felt Christmas residing in my writing room as I put together the different bows. Following is a display of my very own created Christmas bows!


It was such a delight to give away these bows! It made me smile each time I gave one away! I think this may be a tradition that I'll enjoy carrying on each year!

I also picked up some ribbon for other uses. I could make them all year and take them to a cancer center to bring a smile on someone's face. That's something worth pondering! (The Hope pendant was the only thing I had available to see how the bow would look. I found the fabric hard to cut through while I was making the bow. Don't know if I'd be able to cut through one piece of fabric at a time. Will need to give some thought to this.)

Below is our wedding picture and then a picture of us at the Shamrock on Monday before we enjoyed a delicious meal.

"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, If he's not born in thee thy soul is still forlorn." Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)

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