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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I Am Strong

          This display of angels in Damascus has always been one of my favorite Christmas displays!

I was reminded of a special strength while reading one of Charles Spurgeon's devotions, and it encouraged my heart. Here we are, ready to begin a new year, and some of us our tired.

2015 was very hard on Jerry and me, with many health concerns, some major, others secondary, and we still feel the affects from them. We're tired, and starting a new year, we have hope for a healthier season.

" . . . a Christian pilgrim continuously receives fresh supplies of grace and is as vigorous after many years of toilsome travel and difficulties as when he first began. He may not appear as zealous or as spontaneous in his zeal as he once was, but he is much stronger in the things that constitute true power, and although he may travel more slowly, he travels far more steadily." Charles Spurgeon, Look Unto Me

True words to cheer your heart. Those of us who have walked many years with our Lord have access to great strength and power. And it is, indeed, there!

                                               Where's the snow? I can't go out and play!

"One of the beautiful aspects of the Christian life is that we never have to rely on our own strength." God will always give us the strength we need for the burden we must bear.

Yes, we're definitely slower, no doubt about that! but we are stronger and powerful because our faith through the years has taught us that we serve a God that is faithful and true.

"When a man has no strength, if he leans on God, he becomes powerful." Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899)

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I enjoyed watching the story of Lettie Cowman, better known as Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, author of  the famous devotional book, Streams in the Desert. There are two DVD's about her experiences and heartbreak that inspired her to write her beloved devotional.

 I've spoke of this devotional book before on this blog. I received it as a new Christian from an older woman, and it was my go to book for many years.

It was good to learn about her life and the book she wrote that has encouraged many hearts through the years, since it was first published in 1925.

Below is the cover on my book, which still has her name as Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. There are now several volumes available, but my heart will always be glad for the first volume and how it's words spoke to me.

A new year is before us. Let's live for our Savior, Jesus, sharing our story of the day are life was changed.

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Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...