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Wednesday, December 30, 2015

I Am Strong

          This display of angels in Damascus has always been one of my favorite Christmas displays!

I was reminded of a special strength while reading one of Charles Spurgeon's devotions, and it encouraged my heart. Here we are, ready to begin a new year, and some of us our tired.

2015 was very hard on Jerry and me, with many health concerns, some major, others secondary, and we still feel the affects from them. We're tired, and starting a new year, we have hope for a healthier season.

" . . . a Christian pilgrim continuously receives fresh supplies of grace and is as vigorous after many years of toilsome travel and difficulties as when he first began. He may not appear as zealous or as spontaneous in his zeal as he once was, but he is much stronger in the things that constitute true power, and although he may travel more slowly, he travels far more steadily." Charles Spurgeon, Look Unto Me

True words to cheer your heart. Those of us who have walked many years with our Lord have access to great strength and power. And it is, indeed, there!

                                               Where's the snow? I can't go out and play!

"One of the beautiful aspects of the Christian life is that we never have to rely on our own strength." God will always give us the strength we need for the burden we must bear.

Yes, we're definitely slower, no doubt about that! but we are stronger and powerful because our faith through the years has taught us that we serve a God that is faithful and true.

"When a man has no strength, if he leans on God, he becomes powerful." Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899)

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

I enjoyed watching the story of Lettie Cowman, better known as Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, author of  the famous devotional book, Streams in the Desert. There are two DVD's about her experiences and heartbreak that inspired her to write her beloved devotional.

 I've spoke of this devotional book before on this blog. I received it as a new Christian from an older woman, and it was my go to book for many years.

It was good to learn about her life and the book she wrote that has encouraged many hearts through the years, since it was first published in 1925.

Below is the cover on my book, which still has her name as Mrs. Charles E. Cowman. There are now several volumes available, but my heart will always be glad for the first volume and how it's words spoke to me.

A new year is before us. Let's live for our Savior, Jesus, sharing our story of the day are life was changed.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Different December

"In spring I delight you, In summer I cool you,
In autumn I feed you, In winter I warm you."
A Tree

The Festival of Trees at the Town Mall in Westminster were lovely this year. We enjoyed the different creations. They even had an Oriental Christmas Tree which Jerry said was a contradiction in terms. But we do have some Chinese Christian churches in our country.

I hope you enjoy my favorites:

Friends are my treasures!
"Ah! dearest Jesus, Holy Child, Make thee a bed, soft, undefiled
Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for thee."
Martin Luther (1483-1546)
Like the royal blue on white.
"It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you . . .
yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand."
Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-
Lovely red on white with polar bears.
"God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith;
the warmth of Christmas, which is love;
the radiance of Christmas, which is purity;
the righteousness of Christmas which is justice;
the belief in Christmas, which is truth;
the all of Christmas, which is Christ."
Wilda English
Brown is one of my favorite colors.
"Once in the year and only once, the whole world stands still to
celebrate the advent of a life. Only Jesus claims this
worldwide, undying remembrance."
Lovely red and white combination.
"What can I give him, Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I would bring him a lamb;
If I were a wise man, I would do my part;
Yet what I can I give him--Give my heart."
Christiana Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894)
Mom's favorite. She loves oriental décor.
This has been a different December for me. A much slower December. Many of you know I already try to live a simpler life, a slower life, a peaceful life. But this December, because of all the health concerns I'm still dealing with, I've found myself much slower than usual. Less shopping. Less decorating. Less baking. I thought it was going to be a disappointing month.
What a difference it has been! The month hasn't zoomed by, but, instead, has been very restful. I'm enjoying musing about this celebratory month and the reasons behind it. I have enough time to consider each day, and enjoy each moment. We've gotten out a few times this month, but, overall, I've been home.
How soothing! How pleasing to my spirit! How good it feels to relax and consider what this month really means.
Now, I don't want you to experience any of the health concerns I've dwelt with this year, but I hope you can find some time to be quiet and ponder Christmas in all of it's glory, rejoicing, knowing in your heart the real reason for Christmas.

Christmas is upon us. Let's make sure we celebrate the real meaning of Christmas . . . Jesus' gift to us! Believe. There is nothing wiser to believe in.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Right Nice Bow

               Our friend, Keith, took this snap of Jerry and me for our 30th anniversary picture.

Monday we were on our way to the Shamrock restaurant outside of Thurmont for an anniversary lunch. When we got in the car I noticed that Jerry had cologne on and mentioned it. He said: "Remember when we were first dating. We were going to a concert one evening, so I went to your Mom's house from work and took a shower, then waited for you to get home. When you opened the door, the first thing you said was: "I smell a man!" I did remember that comment. Then Jerry said: "Well the cologne I have on today, and the cologne I used that evening 30 years ago, are from the same bottle. That jar of cologne must be 40 years old!" We had a good laugh.

Last Christmas I bought two bow tree toppers. I loved all the billows of ribbon used to make it a beautiful bow. I decided I wanted to learn how to make Christmas bows. I pulled up some videos on YouTube, picked the one I wanted to try and went to work.

It was such a delight to put them together! I truly felt Christmas residing in my writing room as I put together the different bows. Following is a display of my very own created Christmas bows!


It was such a delight to give away these bows! It made me smile each time I gave one away! I think this may be a tradition that I'll enjoy carrying on each year!

I also picked up some ribbon for other uses. I could make them all year and take them to a cancer center to bring a smile on someone's face. That's something worth pondering! (The Hope pendant was the only thing I had available to see how the bow would look. I found the fabric hard to cut through while I was making the bow. Don't know if I'd be able to cut through one piece of fabric at a time. Will need to give some thought to this.)

Below is our wedding picture and then a picture of us at the Shamrock on Monday before we enjoyed a delicious meal.

"Though Christ a thousand times in Bethlehem be born, If he's not born in thee thy soul is still forlorn." Angelus Silesius (1624-1677)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Time Marches On

Happy Birthday Abby and Jo! My little girls turned two on December 5th. They're just as happy, fun and excitable as they were the day we brought them home.

They each received a new toy to fill with peanut butter! They do love their peanut butter. Ohhh, reminds me of my kiss cookies!

                                                                 The eyes say it all!

                                            And a good night to all on a very happy day!

Happy Anniversary to Jerry and me! We celebrate 30 years on December 14th (yes, 14th again). It seems like such a big number, 30. How did we make it? We'll be celebrating lunch at the Shamrock, near Thurmont.

I created a memory book on Shutterfly for Jerry of pictures over the last 30 years. The cover I did myself (as you can tell . . . a little goofy).
Enjoyed a wonderful Christmas lunch with my school age friends, Linda and Paula.
The restaurant was cozy and festive and provided us a wonderful time to enjoy each other's company.
I liked this window scene!

And Christmas is only 16 days away. They say time goes by faster as you age, but I'm so much slower than I was that I don't understand how it goes by faster.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Month of Miracles

We enjoyed a festive and delicious meal at the Old South Mountain Inn on Thanksgiving day. It was a lovely day here in Maryland, and a lovely drive to just just west of Middletown on top of South Mountain.

I use to drive by this Inn on my way to work retreats at Skycroft Conference Center when I was with the Baptist Convention. Jerry and I ate at the Inn five or so years ago for Thanksgiving one year, so when I began thinking about Thanksgiving for this year I suggested we go there again.

Mom couldn't get over the hanging Christmas Balls. Snowflakes were having in the next room, and the far room little wrapped boxes were hanging. I've always loved lamp posts and this window, below, is especially attractive to me.

Mom had her picture taken with Santa who was right next to our table.

And now begins the month of miracles. Everything will be decorated and festive. Food. Laughter. Fun. All the trimmings of Christmas. I've gone through many Christmases broken hearted and sad, but God has brought the joy of Christmas back to me.

My heart is right where it belongs. In Jesus' everlasting arms. Celebrate with me as I schedule a few dates with good friends, enjoy looking at the decorations, bake my specialties and give them away, and joyfully thank God for His great gift to us all!

Even There

Anybody home? Nope. We all flew south! Winter in Mount Airy, MD " If I rise on the wings of the dawn, If I settle on the far side of th...