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Monday, March 16, 2015

A Happy Day

                                       Abby and Jo staying close to Mom's seat on the couch!

Throughout the past 2 1/2 months since I took leave from my weekly posts, I would occasionally pull up my blog to see if there had been any visitors. There always were, although not very many.

Not knowing when I will begin my weekly posts again, or perhaps every other week, I decided I wanted to write a happier post than my last one at the end of December. So here it is:

Spring is ready to show its lovely face as temperatures warm, birds sing and clean out bird houses, and our early flowers of crocuses and daffodils begin to sprout from the ground. I'm ready for it!

I've had a long and trying 2 1/2 months, but my time of trial is over and my time of refreshment has arrived!

I won't have the strength to work in my gardens as in previous springs, but I can see in my heart all the beauty waiting to open on it's own, and I'm excited. Thank goodness for perennials!

I'm starting some flowers from seed for the first time. I'm anxious to see them grow and be ready to plant after the last frost. My sister-in-law, Bobbie, is loaning me a wel used seedling stand with light, and I'll be planting giant zinnias. She gave me two giant zinnias last year, and I planted them in my wildflower garden. They were amazing! Jerry loved them too, so we're going to have some in all three gardens.

We have seeds for orange, red, pink, yellow and purple flowers. I can hardly wait!

I'll be back again soon to share about my baby leaves and the hope of new life that God provides. New life indeed! Happy Spring!

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