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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Passing the Torch


Over the past two and a half months I not only put a hold on my blog posts, but I couldn't continue in writing notes to encourage others. My heart wanted to, but my hands couldn't.

Instead, I received notes to encourage me on a daily basis. I, once again, was reminded what words of encouragement could accomplish to help a person during a difficult trial.

I'm very thankful for all the cards and written words I received, but I want to share with you one note that really touched my heart and the purpose of this ministry God has given me.

As many of you know, I began writing notes after receiving a note when I was going through a difficult time. It made such an impression on my heart, that I knew I wanted to touch others in this way.

Recently I received a handmade note card from a young lady whose heart had been touched by notes I had written to her mother. She saw how the notes made her mother smile and how her mother loved to be thought of, and that meant a lot to this young lady. So she wrote me a note to tell me she was praying for me and Mr. Jerry and missed seeing me.

Friends, that's what we all hope to do as we serve Christ. Open the eyes of another to a possible opportunity of service that's filled with hope, God's love and His encouragement. What a blessing to my heart to see the torch pass on to someone else.

I sent one of my books with Jerry to church last Sunday and asked him to give it to this young lady. I wanted to offer her encouragement as she considers the value of a note.

I don't know when or if this young lady will begin a note writing ministry, but the seed has been planted. God waters and instills the gift! Maybe another little bird will be delivering encouraging notes to cheer the hearts of others!

This was a golden blessing that came during a time of personal trial. Now isn't God just like that!

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