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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Battle Begins

       My friend, Danielle, had this lovely bouquet of roses waiting for me after a long and tiring day.

When I put out the new calendar January 1st, I will begin a battle. A battle no one wants to begin. The battle of life.

I have cervical cancer. No one wants to hear that word in their family. But many of us do, and now I'm one of them. December 5th was the day that the news came and after many tests and examinations I'm on the road to radiation and chemo.

I like my doctors. It has been determined I have Stage 2 cancer so I won't be having surgery. The next 6 weeks, beginning next week, I'll be having radiation treatments everyday and chemo treatments one day a week. After that, I'll have a brief surgical procedure and then 5 treatments in Baltimore once or twice a week.

Since December 5th I've been going here and there and seeing this doctor and that doctor. It's been tiring and upsetting. Jerry said, "They're not your appointments, they're ours."

Before we knew I would not have to have surgery, we were trying to figure out how to handle the pups. They're still puppies, even at a year old, and are very excitable. I thought of taking a walker and putting it around the ottoman I put my feet on. Then we could get some plywood and put around the three sides so the pups couldn't jump on me. I was telling my friend, Diana this, and her comment gave both Jerry and me a BIG laugh! She said: "I know we put our pets in cages, but I haven't heard of putting an adult in a cage!" Thank you, Diana, for that laugh!

My friend, Paula, told me, "I know you believe God gives you the words to write in the encouraging notes you send. I believe that too. I also know you keep copies of all the notes you write. God is bringing those words back to you to encourage you heart. Read the notes and let Him bring refreshment to your soul." That sentiment was also shared by another friend. Good advice.

I will be suspending my weekly blog posts while I go through treatment. Please add me to your prayer list as I go through this adventure. I just stopped and looked up the meaning for "adventure" for I wasn't sure that adequately described what I'll be going through. The dictionary said it is an "exciting or dangerous experience." Dangerous for sure, but I think Jerry's word "journey" probably fits best.

I have chosen Psalm 71:14 (there's that number 14 again) to help me through: "But as for me, I will always have hope. I will praise you more and more."

They are beautiful indeed! and fit right in with my Christmas bows and canes! The rose in the front next to the yellow rose actually has a lavender hue. So lovely!

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" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...