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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Trees Glow

               I saw this tree topper on ebay. I just love the bow and how the streamers hang down.

Last week I enjoyed walking through the Festival of Trees in the Westminster Town Mall. This is the eighth year for this Yuletide fundraiser for The Shepherd's Staff. You can bid on the trees, or like me, just enjoy them by taking pictures.

I hope you enjoy the walk through! Step right inside and enjoy some of my favorite trees!

          The entrance was delightfully decorated and you felt like you were walking into a fairyland.

                                                                 "Penguins on Parade"

The proceeds from the auction go toward The Shepherd's Staff's emergency financial assistance programs, which focuses on helping working families who do not qualify for assistance from government agencies.

                                    The "Star Spangled Spectacular" proudly waves its flags!

Each tree is decorated along a theme. I like this "Beary Merry Christmas" below!

I smiled at the "Polar Bear Express" below.

Last year $38,000 was raised, and the Festival of Trees is the largest fundraiser of the year for the nonprofit organization.

                                           I love the flower color on this "Victorian Tea" tree.

                      "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" was nicely done with the light sitting below.

"Through the Woods" we go.
                                                     Jerry liked "Lucky Leprechauns."

                                                                 And Mom liked "Frosty."

"A Christmas Carol" was festive.

                                                    "PeppermintTwist" was alive in color!

Overall, the Festival of Trees was well done and enjoyable!

My friend, Linda, sent me this poem. I share the sentiments.

The Older I get… 
                                        The simpler my holiday preparations become…
                                        The closer I feel to old friends as I write my Christmas cards…
                                        The more I cherish the oldest ornaments…
                                        The more fondly I remember Christmases past…
                                        The longer I hold on to a holiday hug…
                                        The more I realize Christmas is a matter of the heart…
                                        The tighter my throat gets when I sing “Silent Night”…
                                        The more I enjoy giving than receiving…
                                        The more I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child…
                                        The longer I sit at night in the glow of the Christmas tree…
                                        The more wondrously beautiful the Christmas story is…
                                        The deeper my awe at God’s infinite love…
                                        The More I Love Christmas!

My next post will be December 31st. I hope your Christmas celebrations are happy and joyful!

          "But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more."  Psalm 71:14

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