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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Out of the Ho-hums!

                                      Not bad for the camera set on automatic! It makes me smile!

I didn't lie. Sunday morning when friends asked me how I was I told them. "I'm ho-hum." And I was. Nothing really wrong. Just ho-hum.

As I started writing this post I looked up the word ho-hum in my little Random House dictionary. Yes. I still turn to my hand held version, not the internet. After all, it is the "Classic Edition." Copyright 1983. It wasn't there.

I then picked up my thesaurus by Roget. "International." I found it. Ho-hum: dull, dry, insipid, pointless, draggy, dismal--you get the picture. Ugh.

I guess all of us are ho-hum once in awhile. Even having my chocolate milkshake (sorry, Roy) didn't seem to help. So when Jerry asked me what I wanted to watch late Sunday afternoon, I surprised myself and picked the music DVD of the Gaither Vocal Band Reunion, Volume 1. We'd only watched it one other time, but I remembered experiencing great emotion, and boy, I sure needed something!

And a trip down memory lane began . . .

Members of the vocal band over the past 25 years gathered to reminisce, sing songs, praise and worship God, and thank Him for who He is. I remember seeing the Gaither Trio in DC in the early 80s. Bill and Gloria, along with Gary McSpadden formed the group, and Steve Green was one of the backup singers.

One of my favorite singers back then was Steve Green. He sang one of my favorites on this DVD: No Other Name But Jesus. I also love to hear him sing: "For God and God Alone." Seeing him on this DVD also brought back memories of his acappella performance of "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" at the Billy Graham crusade. My boss, who attended that event, came in the next morning raving about the performance.   

      "God and God Alone" on you tube:

Men who sang with the Imperials were present and my thoughts turned to Jim Murray singing "Sail On" and Russ Taff singing "The Trumpet of Jesus". (I'm not a favorite of Russ Taff's singing, but he did a great job on the trumpet song!) Some of my favorites the Imperials sang are: "Bread Upon the Water" "Here on the Rock" Praise the Lord" and "One More Song for You."

         "The Trumpet of Jesus," on you tube:

"A Few Good Men" is another favorite the Gaither's wrote and it reminded me of the Homecoming in New York City. Lines like: "He Calls the one who has the strength to stand up for the truth: and A man who'll raise the shield of Faith, protecting what is pure." And who could forget David Phelps performance with the guys singing "Let Freedom Ring." Stirring!

               I had to stop and snap this beautiful hibiscus bush the other day. It's gorgeous!

I smiled as I listened to Jon Mohr sing "Rumormill." And, yes, I can, thankfully, say, "He Touched Me." and made me whole!

But when Mark Lowry sang "Home Where I Belong," by B. J. Thomas, the deep yearning in my soul was expressed. "And when I'm feeling lonely, and when I'm feeling blue, It's such a joy to know that I am only passing through." I'd look forward to being home where there will be no more ho-hum days!

It was early evening when the DVD ended, and we went over to round up the chickens next door. We're taking care of them this week while our neighbor is away. I love it that they're walking around the yard! They seem to enjoy the corn we put out for deer.

The rain began soon after that, and I can honestly say as I retired for the night, "I'm Blessed." The ho-hums had left.

Ah, music did it again. Encouraged my heart and refreshed my soul. A wonderful trip down memory lane.
                                             Abby and Jo are 8 months old this week!

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