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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Joy for Today

Our sunflowers finally opened!

After writing my Out of the Ho-hums! post on August 6th, I picked up one of my favorite books: "Lightposts for Living" by Thomas Kinkade. In Chapter One titled "The Color of Joy: The Art of Choosing a Joyful Life" he writes about choosing joy. The book focuses on a simple life.

I've strived to make my life as simple as I can. I find it fits me best and I'm much happier than filling my life with doing, going and things. I ran across this quote in the chapter that always makes me smile:

"And now you have joy?" "I do indeed." "And how did you get it?" "I chose it, admitted it into my life, then I celebrated its arrival in my heart. I made my celebration so loud and boisterous, I prohibited all gloom from attending the celebration."  Calvin Miller

                                 What a great snap my friend, Kathy, took of this fawn.

Of course, our joy comes from God, the giver of all things. "The people went . . . to celebrate with great joy because they had heard God's words and understood them."  Nehemiah 8:12

Charles Spurgeon wrote these words regarding Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord:" "This verse must seem very strange to those who know nothing of living a godly life, but to sincere believers it is simply the reinforcement of a recognized truth. It describes the life of a believer as one of 'delight' in God, and as believers we are proof of the great fact that true faith overflows with happiness and joy."

Thomas Kinkade suggests you can make joyful choices as you go through life.

"How do you make joyful choices? On the simplest level, you condition yourself for joy by doing little things you love on a regular basis . . . Anything that builds a simple sense of pleasure or optimism can be effective in building up the base coat of happiness deep in your heart," said Thomas Kinkade.

So I started thinking about things I do that are joyful to me. Of course, being in God's Word each day tops the list. Since joy comes from God, only He can open the door of your soul to find joy.

                                                                       Run little one!

"Joy is the great note all through the Bible."  Oswald Chambers

Photography helps me be joyful. The beauty of nature, the fun of seeing His creation, the assurance He's in control as new calves are born and the poppies open on schedule--I see this assurance and want to share it. Finding that unexpected scene and getting a snap of it is fun and satisfying! And creating matted prints and note cards to show off God's creation is another thing that brings me joy.

                         Abby and Jo patiently waiting by my chair while I work on the computer.

Baking treats to give away is a simple thing I do that brings me joy. My Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake is well known, and I love to give it away! A simple joy that makes my heart smile.

"If we are involved in doing what we were put on earth to do, a joyful heart is almost guaranteed--even in the midst of deepest difficulties."  Thomas Kinkade

How true. Even when I'm discouraged or disappointed or sad, God still gives me words to write to encourage the hearts of others. And using the gift God gave me to encourage hearts on those note cards is a deep felt joy of service.

When Jerry cut down one of our larger shrubs, he left a big trunk standing. He asked me what I thought about putting the log bird house on the top. I added the lattice fence to the mix, and I do believe we have the entrance to a new garden! (I haven't told him yet.)

Making dates with friends for breakfast, lunch or dinner brings me joy. My friends cheer my heart and help me through daily living. Being with them and sharing about life is a simple pleasure I don't take lightly.

                                   I visited my friend, Diana's, garden and enjoyed the beauty!

What brings you joy? Do you receive joy doing the things God has gifted you to do? Are you an artist who finds joy in drawing? Do you write in a journal and find joy sharing your thoughts with God? Do you instruct others in living for Christ? Are you a listener who finds joy in encouraging others?

Find those simple things that bring joy to your heart and don't forget to do them. You could change a life for Christ!

I know that Thomas Kinkade met with a tragic death and made poor choices, but like David, I believe he had a heart for God. I only hope he made peace with Him before the end.

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