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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Celebrating 91 and more . . .

Chesapeake Beach? Yes, that's where my mother wanted to go for her 91st birthday celebration. Memories abound.

Mom has been going to Chesapeake Beach since she was a young girl. My grandfather's employer would have a picnic there every summer for his employees and their families. There was a merry-go-round, slot machines and fun.

When I was two, we lived on the Navy base there. My father worked at the Naval Research Laboratory. Mom would take my sister and I to the beach every weekday morning. I don't remember much, but I think that's where I ate soap in the bathtub.

In later years, Mom, her mother and her sisters would go to the beach every Mother's Day. It was an important celebration for them. It's been many years since Mom has been there.

Chesapeake Beach has certainly changed in 60 years. Mom hoped to see where we lived those many years ago, but the base housing was no longer there.

Lovely color was found, and we could see an osprey feeding it's young, but it was way too far away for a good snap. We had a beautiful day and delightful temperatures. Mom was thrilled.

                                                              and more . . .

We recently watched the new movie, "God's Not Dead." It may seem like it in this country, but read me loud and clear: God is NOT dead. He's very much alive, and has been for all eternity past and eternity to come!

The movie is powerful. We've seen Kevin Sorbo in several movies, and enjoy his acting. The young man who played the main student was good too. I believe the story to be accurate as how our country and world is today.

You have a choice to make. That's the point. You either believe and live for God or you don't. The choice isn't to be taken lightly. Your soul depends on your decision.

I always remember a story I read a long time ago. "Two men were talking about life and belief in Christ. One man believed and the other man didn't. The man who didn't believe asked: 'What if you're not right. There is no God. No hell. No heaven.' The second man said: 'If I'm not right, I've lived a good life, one of truth and abundant life, filled with faith.' Then he said: 'What if I'm right. There is a God. Jesus is the Savior of the world and you must accept him for eternal life. If you don't, your soul will be without God for all eternity.' The first man had no reply."

Don't take this decision lightly. It's the most important decision you'll ever make.

Thank you, brothers and sisters who've chosen Christ, who stand firm for Him and don't back down because it would be easier. You encourage my heart. God is alive!

We took care of our neighbor's chickens last week, and when we'd walk back to our yard we'd always receive a happy greeting by Abby and Jo!

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