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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Disturbing Reality

Reality hit hard yesterday morning upon my awaking hour when I realized I had left God out of my plans.

This past weekend I had a mini vacation . . . a "me" time. Jerry was on the Eastern Shore with his son, and Mom was at her friend's home. I was alone, for 48 hours (albeit with two puppies and Sam).

I baked my favorite chocolate pie, bought a pint of Haagen-Daz chocolate ice cream, a bag of Utz potato chips (the best) and ordered a pizza. This was my weekend!

I'd been saving two new books by my two favorite fiction authors, and I got out my gardening books and the layouts of my three gardens to read and plan. And I enjoyed the entire 48 hours!

It wasn't until I awoke yesterday morning, after the return of Jerry and Mom at the end of the day on Monday, that I was struck with my disturbing reality: I hadn't included God in my mini-vacation. It hit hard!

Oh, He wasn't entirely absent. I did go to church Sunday morning (but had considered not going). I did go to Sunday School (although I had decided to skip it). I did read in my Bible and some devotion books both morning (although quickly and just for the purpose of following my routine).
It really hit me hard, though, when I began thanking God Tuesday morning, as I normally do when I wake up, and realized my love and thankfulness was not expressed to Him my two "me" mornings.

Yes, after all, I was on vacation. It was a "me" weekend. It shouldn't be that big of an issue.

But it was. My heart was sad when I realized "me" had come before Thee. Sam and the puppies and I had a good time, and yes, I ate all my favorite treats, and no, I didn't share any of them! Yet my life would be nothing without my God and Lord. I don't ever want to forget Him again!

I found the first two snaps in front of the Barnes and Noble in Frederick. I thought they were cherry blossoms, but I'm not sure that is correct. Do any of you know what kind of tree that is? The third picture is in my Mom's friend's yard. I'm not sure what that is either.

The pups on top of the sewage coverage are watching our neighbor, Larry, mow on the other side of the fence (his head is there, but very hard to see). They weren't sure about that big machine and loud noise so they decided to sit a ways from him. The snap below is of the non working wire fence we put up to keep the pups out of the gardens. It's a little hard to see but the white stakes and the red ribbon are around all three gardens. The wire fence is only 24 inches high. As you can imagine it does nothing to keep the pups out of the garden!

Yes, we're going to have a real fence put up! Unfortunately it's going to take 5 to 7 weeks before they can begin! I need help!

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