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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life on the Ridge

Life has been different since February 25th when we bought Abby and Jo home. These past two months have kept us hopping! Abby is now at 41 pounds and Jo weighs in at 44 pounds. And they like sitting on my lap and my ottoman!

Sleeping has been the most trying of times, but God brought a thought to my mind that helped me accept loss of sleep. Farmers and cattle ranchers always have to be on guard for their animals, especially at spring during birthing time. I decided if they could lose sleep as they watch over their animals then I could accept my loss of sleep getting up with the girls.

We foolishly put up a two foot wire fence around the gardens to keep the pups out. Of course, last week they realized they could jump over the fence into new territory! So we've accepted that we'll have to put up a higher fence to protect the gardens. After two years of all our work I don't want to see them destroyed.

Abby and Jo are hearty eaters and rough players, and when they lay down their out! What energy! Mine was lost a long time ago. But they're keeping me hopping, and soon I will be out in the gardens in the mornings getting a workout.

This is the first spring I've had the opportunity to watch my magnolia tree bug and bloom. I just love magnolia blossoms and was tickled when I found this tree at Lowe's for $25 last year. It took well in the garden area beside the chairs, and I counted 20 buds earlier this month. Half of them were ready to bloom when the frost came. They were lost. Now the other blooms should be opening this week, although a few of them have brown spots too. The snap above shows one flower opening before the frost.

I actually had a play date last week. It's been all puppies for two months, so I was thrilled to enjoy time with my friend, Kathy. Visited Black Hill State Park where she'll be working a craft show in May and then out to lunch. Thanks, Kathy, for a wonderful time!

Mom, Jerry and I stopped at a garden center in to pick up a thank you plant for my friend, Cindy, who takes care of all my computer issues. We enjoyed talking to Tequilla, below. He enjoys talking to the guests at the garden center. Was a right happy fellow! They are having a special evening soon when you can have your picture taken with Tequilla!

Yes, the past two months have been all puppies. And I'm constantly looking out the window to see if the girls are in any of the gardens, and if so, out I go.
Life on the ridge has been good, but I'm itching to get out and find some calves, foals, lambs and goslings to snap! It's Spring!

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