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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A "WOW" Moment


"I'm not sure what I did, but I trust you. Help me to understand." That's what I said walking home after giving my life to Christ. It was a revival series at my home church in Rockville. Pastor Crowley spoke on Elijah one of his favorite subjects to preach about.

Coming not from a family of believers, it was a huge step for fraidy cat, Carol, to walk the aisle and make a commitment. I know what I did, but I wasn't sure of what I really did.

I've been reading "The Legacy of a Couple: Ruth and Billy Graham." The inside flap cover says: "Full of anecdotes that reveal a winsome couple completely committed to one another and their mission. This biography uncovers the foundation of faith and love that made the life, ministry, and legacy of this influential couple possible." Chapters focused on their partnership, humility, integrity, faith and grace, to name a few. Gigi Graham provided the foreword.

I enjoy reading how Christian people have lived their life. Whether it's present day Christians or those that have come before me. They're inspiring, encouraging, and it's a great a learning opportunity.

I was reading the "integrity" chapter in the book and Billy Graham recounted his salvation experience. I knew about the revival series he was saved under when Mordecai Ham preached. We have the movie "Billy: The Early Years of Billy Graham." What I didn't know was what Billy said to himself after he was saved: "Lord, I don't know what happened to me tonight. You know, and I thank you for the privilege I've had tonight." WOW. That sure sounded familiar. I said the same thing Billy Graham said when he was saved!

We don't have to understand everything, we just have to believe in our heart that we've made the right choice. Understanding will follow as you read the Bible, study and listen to the Word being preached. And hymns also provide an opportunity to learn

I've enjoyed reading this book. And my WOW moment is one I won't forget! Today I know exactly what I did and why I did it. I am His and He is mine. WOW!

As we celebrate Easter this Sunday, when our Lord died and rose again and forever more lives for you and me, I hope you can say WOW!

"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!"  Luke 24:5b-6a

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