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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where is Winter?

"There is no season such delight can bring, as summer, winter autumn, spring."  William Browne, 1630

One thing I like about living in Maryland is that God's creation is gloriously displayed in all four seasons of the year. As most of you know, I love snow! Watching it fall mesmerizes me as I ponder God's purity and our sins being covered as white as snow.

I admit it's hard to drive in and causes accidents. It also makes it hard to drive somewhere if there is an emergency. Evenso, it makes my little corner of the world still and quiet, and people have the opportunity to sit back and ponder life.

When I worked I always did a "snow dance," when snow was being forecast, usually when no one was looking. But I have been caught a few times and enjoyed a good laugh with friends. During my Bell Atlantic days, when being absent wasn't appreciated by upper management, I always danced, in hopes of a snow that I just couldn't drive in.

While at the convention, the snow policy was liberal, and we closed when the county school closed, although I did have to drive home a few times with uncertainty.

Now that I'm retired, a good snow fall finds me in front of a window, with a fire blazing close by, reading, watching a movie or just staring out the window with gladness in my heart. As Stanley Horowitz said, in Country Heart & Soul, "Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all." There just isn't a bad season!

One of my favorite memories during frigid winter weather and snow is driving past a pond near our home, watching the geese and ducks take baths in the water at 20 degrees! It always made me chuckle!

So I say "Where is Winter?"  The temperatures tried to get in the 60s this past weekend. I'm thankful for the snowfall received Christmas Eve and after, but January is winter! I want to enjoy winter!

Thankfully winter isn't over yet. It could come back this week and provide a lovely snowfall. I'll be ready!

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