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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hat Folly

"I myself have 12 hats, and each one represents a different personality.  Why just be yourself?" (Margaret Atwood)

While moving items from a closet in Mom's bedroom that we hadn't gotten to yet, we found a box with pictures in it. As I went through the box, I found a picture of me taken 30 years ago, wearing a hat I use to have. If I recall, the picture was being taken as a "funny" to send to my brother-in-law for his birthday. Since I couldn't visit, I'd say hi via a photo.

It was the hat that caught my eye. "That looks good on me," I noticed. I've never been one obsessed by how I look, no clothes horse or anything like that. But it's nice to appear decent and neat and that's what I've tried to do. Of course, I did raise some eyebrows when I decided never to wear stockings again and showed up with knee high socks under my skirts. With style, of course.

I've never been one to follow the crowd, and I always tried to do everything so it wouldn't draw attention to me. I had to laugh many years into my adult life when I realized everything I do draws attention to me.

Back to the hat. "I should get another hat like that one," I decided. I dutifully have my head covered either with a hat or ear muffs when the weather cools. I don't like a cold head.

My hats have been the subject of many a conversation such as "Why are you wearing a hat? Is it cold?" Well, yes, it is to me. "Are you under there?" Yes, warm and toasty. I've not been bothered what others thought about my hats or ear muffs. If they kept me warm, I was happy.

So when I found the picture and saw that old hat, I decided if it looked good 30 years ago it should look good now. (Of course, I looked younger and slim then, verses older and heavier now.)

So I ordered it and looked forward to receiving it in the mail. What do you think? Good choice? Doesn't matter. I'm warm!

"Wearing a hat is like having a baby or a puppy; everyone stops to coo and talk about it." (Louise Green)

"Fashion is a kind of communication. It's a language without words. A great hat speaks for itself." Unknown



1 comment:

  1. oh my dear Carol... I so wanted to see photos of you and your hats!!! I too love hats but have never worn them much as I think I look dumb in hats and have also never wanted to draw attention to myself by wearing anything out of the ordinary! I have discovered I look okay in berets and purchased one recently... I also purchased a cloche style hat but have been so self-conscious of wearing is now on the shelf to return to the store! Thanks for the article... reminded me how much I just need to be me!! Love you...


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