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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still Learning

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1  Although this psalm is about an intense longing for God because of conflict in the life of David, it expresses for me a continuing thirst to fill my soul with God. So, I'm ready to be filled this new year! I purchased three new books for a fresh supply of learning material.

My first new book is "The One Year Chronological Bible." About 10 years ago I read the Bible beginning to end for the first time. I'd read a chapter a day. I also read the same chapter in a commentary to help me understand what I read. It took me two years to complete this task. It was a major accomplishment in which I gained valuable insight into God's Word.

I hope reading the Bible in chronological order will, again, provide valuable insight and great gain. As most of you know, each time you read the Bible you have the opportunity to learn something new. This will be an adventure.
Have you studied the Bible chronologically? What did you learn from that study? Leave me a comment on this blog or via Facebook.

Warren Wiersbe's book "50 People Every Christian Should Know" is what inspired me to purchase the two other devotional books for 2013. I loved reading Wiersbe's accounts of faithful men and women of centuries past.

I picked up "The One Year Christian History" devotional by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten which highlights an event associated with each day of the year. And "The Christian History Devotional" by J. Stephen Lang which includes the birth and death of notable persons, the beginning of new ministries and the ending of a wave of persecution among other information.

I'm excited about these books. I'm excited about the treasure chest of information I will glean from them.

Are you excited about God's Word? Do you crave reading it and hearing it preached? I once told my present pastor, "Your gift thrills my soul!"

Why not take this new year and delve into God's Word in a different way. A book you may not have studied. Reading a commentary along with your daily reading. Listening to studies by Christian leaders such as David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, John MacArthur and Charles Swindoll.

Whatever you choose to do, His Word will fill you up and overflow, bringing great satisfaction to your soul. Do it! Resolve to go to Jesus each and every day and be filled with Him!

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