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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Right Key

Sunday found me doing a different job during the worship service. I was in the AV booth.

I've mentioned the program "Media Shout" before that I work in when I fill in at the church office. It's foreign to me, even after three inputs. But that's where the announcements and the pastor's sermon outline goes for Sunday morning display.

Our AV workers do a great job, but they're in need of some workers. So I agreed to learn the video side. I figured I was somewhat familiar with it so it shouldn't be too hard.

It turns out to be rather simple. I basically just need to change slides at the appropriate time. Concentration and awareness are essential so I don't get ahead of the singing, or the pastor's sermon.

After rather two simple mistakes at the beginning, I managed to get through the rest of the service ok. Apparently the program is a little touchy and twice it slipped forward a slide. But Jim Dove, who was in the booth with me, quickly corrected the mistakes.

I found that I could still sing while displaying the right slide, and I was able to concentrate on pastor's sermon without missing a slide.

Jim and I are hoping Jerry might be able to learn the sound side, and then we could serve together. He's considering it.

This is a service I can do. Although there's steps I haven't learned yet, I can begin providing relief from an overworked group.

Don't stop learning.
The two deer pictures in the snow were taken last week. Our doe and her two fawns, spots now long gone, came up for some dinner. Loved seeing the snow on the fawns noses!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Hat ... Then and Now

Here it is! Then and now snaps of my hat! Jerry said "you like Gabby Hayes." I said "don't look quite as good as I use too!
One thing for sure: My head is warm!

I'll still where hats!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hat Folly

"I myself have 12 hats, and each one represents a different personality.  Why just be yourself?" (Margaret Atwood)

While moving items from a closet in Mom's bedroom that we hadn't gotten to yet, we found a box with pictures in it. As I went through the box, I found a picture of me taken 30 years ago, wearing a hat I use to have. If I recall, the picture was being taken as a "funny" to send to my brother-in-law for his birthday. Since I couldn't visit, I'd say hi via a photo.

It was the hat that caught my eye. "That looks good on me," I noticed. I've never been one obsessed by how I look, no clothes horse or anything like that. But it's nice to appear decent and neat and that's what I've tried to do. Of course, I did raise some eyebrows when I decided never to wear stockings again and showed up with knee high socks under my skirts. With style, of course.

I've never been one to follow the crowd, and I always tried to do everything so it wouldn't draw attention to me. I had to laugh many years into my adult life when I realized everything I do draws attention to me.

Back to the hat. "I should get another hat like that one," I decided. I dutifully have my head covered either with a hat or ear muffs when the weather cools. I don't like a cold head.

My hats have been the subject of many a conversation such as "Why are you wearing a hat? Is it cold?" Well, yes, it is to me. "Are you under there?" Yes, warm and toasty. I've not been bothered what others thought about my hats or ear muffs. If they kept me warm, I was happy.

So when I found the picture and saw that old hat, I decided if it looked good 30 years ago it should look good now. (Of course, I looked younger and slim then, verses older and heavier now.)

So I ordered it and looked forward to receiving it in the mail. What do you think? Good choice? Doesn't matter. I'm warm!

"Wearing a hat is like having a baby or a puppy; everyone stops to coo and talk about it." (Louise Green)

"Fashion is a kind of communication. It's a language without words. A great hat speaks for itself." Unknown



Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Where is Winter?

"There is no season such delight can bring, as summer, winter autumn, spring."  William Browne, 1630

One thing I like about living in Maryland is that God's creation is gloriously displayed in all four seasons of the year. As most of you know, I love snow! Watching it fall mesmerizes me as I ponder God's purity and our sins being covered as white as snow.

I admit it's hard to drive in and causes accidents. It also makes it hard to drive somewhere if there is an emergency. Evenso, it makes my little corner of the world still and quiet, and people have the opportunity to sit back and ponder life.

When I worked I always did a "snow dance," when snow was being forecast, usually when no one was looking. But I have been caught a few times and enjoyed a good laugh with friends. During my Bell Atlantic days, when being absent wasn't appreciated by upper management, I always danced, in hopes of a snow that I just couldn't drive in.

While at the convention, the snow policy was liberal, and we closed when the county school closed, although I did have to drive home a few times with uncertainty.

Now that I'm retired, a good snow fall finds me in front of a window, with a fire blazing close by, reading, watching a movie or just staring out the window with gladness in my heart. As Stanley Horowitz said, in Country Heart & Soul, "Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all." There just isn't a bad season!

One of my favorite memories during frigid winter weather and snow is driving past a pond near our home, watching the geese and ducks take baths in the water at 20 degrees! It always made me chuckle!

So I say "Where is Winter?"  The temperatures tried to get in the 60s this past weekend. I'm thankful for the snowfall received Christmas Eve and after, but January is winter! I want to enjoy winter!

Thankfully winter isn't over yet. It could come back this week and provide a lovely snowfall. I'll be ready!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dream Along

Every one has their dreams. In my July 6th, 2012 post titled "Soul Searching" I shared mine. Well, last evening I was reminded of another dream.

Jerry and I were watching a movie and the scenery caught my eye. My thoughts eventually took me to a scene I created that sits on a shelf in my dining room wall cabinet.

I'm a country and mountain person. As Jerry said once while driving through Pennsylvania, "The mountains just seem to hug me." That's the way I feel.

I moved out to the country when Jerry and I married. Mt. Airy was an hour from the city of Rockville and all its traffic and congestion and people. 27 years later its become more crowded but not too far away from real country.

I created a cabin scene, close to my mind's image of my cabin in the woods. Named "Mc Giffin's Cottage" it sits in the middle of the woods with a huge chimney and fireplace. I've been fortunate to enjoy a fire place ever since moving to Mt. Airy and there just isn't anything more pleasant than to sit in front of the fire and enjoy its warmth.

The back of the cottage is called "Thot'ful Spot." That's where I do all my creating with pictures and writing. The window affords me the joy of watching nature unfold as I work. Just like my writing room window in Mt. Airy I see deer, fox, birds, squirrels, hawks and an occasional chipmonk and cat. At my cabin in the woods I just may see a bear.

There's a small stream that runs through the property and I sit on the bench and listen to the water flow. The lightpost brings warmth to that spot when the cooler temperatures arrive come fall. And, of course, there will be a dog, probably two or three.

There's a tree house that I can't climb into anymore, but provides the feeling of laughter and love.

The deer pass through, resting under our trees. The wood pile is always stacked, ready for that warm fire. And my friend, Eeyore, will be welcomed.

I don't know if I'll ever have a cabin in the woods. Sometimes I think I'd be too scared to live in the woods, especially with all sorts of insects and bugs around. But it is a dream I like to imagine every now and then.

Dream on, my friend. The God of miracles wants to give you your hearts desire.

As my friend, Gail, said: "You are Eeyore!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Still Learning

"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God." Psalm 42:1  Although this psalm is about an intense longing for God because of conflict in the life of David, it expresses for me a continuing thirst to fill my soul with God. So, I'm ready to be filled this new year! I purchased three new books for a fresh supply of learning material.

My first new book is "The One Year Chronological Bible." About 10 years ago I read the Bible beginning to end for the first time. I'd read a chapter a day. I also read the same chapter in a commentary to help me understand what I read. It took me two years to complete this task. It was a major accomplishment in which I gained valuable insight into God's Word.

I hope reading the Bible in chronological order will, again, provide valuable insight and great gain. As most of you know, each time you read the Bible you have the opportunity to learn something new. This will be an adventure.
Have you studied the Bible chronologically? What did you learn from that study? Leave me a comment on this blog or via Facebook.

Warren Wiersbe's book "50 People Every Christian Should Know" is what inspired me to purchase the two other devotional books for 2013. I loved reading Wiersbe's accounts of faithful men and women of centuries past.

I picked up "The One Year Christian History" devotional by E. Michael and Sharon Rusten which highlights an event associated with each day of the year. And "The Christian History Devotional" by J. Stephen Lang which includes the birth and death of notable persons, the beginning of new ministries and the ending of a wave of persecution among other information.

I'm excited about these books. I'm excited about the treasure chest of information I will glean from them.

Are you excited about God's Word? Do you crave reading it and hearing it preached? I once told my present pastor, "Your gift thrills my soul!"

Why not take this new year and delve into God's Word in a different way. A book you may not have studied. Reading a commentary along with your daily reading. Listening to studies by Christian leaders such as David Jeremiah, Charles Stanley, John MacArthur and Charles Swindoll.

Whatever you choose to do, His Word will fill you up and overflow, bringing great satisfaction to your soul. Do it! Resolve to go to Jesus each and every day and be filled with Him!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...