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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sharing Life

Recently I had the pleasure of enjoying two friends. Last Friday my friend, Kathy, came to the house to help me plan my new garden. Yes. A new garden. Right across the driveway from my first garden.

Kathy's hand played a big part in the creation of my first garden. She's always ready to answer questions and suggest ideas. She brought plants from her own gardens, and with the plants I purchased, set them in a pleasing arrangement. There would be no path if Kathy hadn't suggested it. This snap was taken last year when we celebrated Kathy's birthday at Gypsy's Tearoom in Westminster.

I've enjoyed Kathy's gardens, took snaps in it, and just sat for awhile amongst the flowers. This snap was taken a few years ago. Isn't the garden lovely?

When I decided there was to be another garden, Kathy gladly came to assist. Her ideas are so helpful! I'm hoping to get out this week to purchase some of those perennials that are 50% off! When spring comes, I'll have a head start.
Kathy is skilled in crafts--all kinds. And as you see, has the master's touch with plants and flowers! Thanks Kathy!

Monday I visited with Rachel, my notewriting friend. We've been writing notes to each other for years. I met Rachel at a church in Westminster and admired her. We've not been able to make dates like I do with my other friends, so we fell into the joy of writing notes.

This snap was taken on my 55th birthday when I held a "Celebration of Friends" party.

Now retired, I visited Rachel last January in her home for the first time. Yesterday was my second visit to her lovely home. Sitting across from my note writing friend was a joy for me. She writes poetry as well as draws. I've received a few notes  that had original drawings on them.

She gave me a picture she drew that was on her wall (below). I now see it every time I walk down my hall. What a lovely touch! An original composition!

Friends. God has truly blessed me with faithful, good, loving friends. With Mom doing better I've been able to set a few dates.

Barbara will be by Friday morning for breakfast. Carol, Jeanette, Carol and Linda will join me for lunch in two weeks. Brenda and Shari joined me for breakfast last week. I'll enjoy Paula and Linda on the 13th for breakfast. Kathy and Mary join me for a trip to Littlestown every November. My annual date with Diana and Holly is in January. And so many more! How fortunate I am that God allowed me to jave such fun and loving friends!

Being a good friend takes commitment and sacrifice. And I'm thankful for all my friends. Friends have changed my life. Warm relationships that I did not experience in my home during my growing up years was provided for me in later years by my friends. I cherish all my friends. Sharing life. Sharing God. Sharing friendship!

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