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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

An Old Teddy

As we continue going through Mom's house to prepare it to sell, I recently found two photo albums that I hadn't seen in 30 years. Two prized snaps were discovered! My bedroom as a little girl.

It's really nice finding pictures that provide a glimpse of earlier years. My desk was covered with some of my favorite things, It was good to see my brown teddy bear. I must have played with dolls too. I only remember playing with cars. I loved to make streets with pick-up sticks. My wish for Christmas one years was a gas station!

My two cousins sit on my bed in the next picture. I was reminded that my sister and I were baton twirlers, seeing the baton across my bed, and the next picture is when we performed at a school function. I see my radio and a few stuffed animals, as well as some movie stars.

My kitty, Cutie, and dog, Sandy were pictures I'd forgotten about.
Back in June I mentioned about playing tetherball. The next picture shows me out playing at recess.

And, I started young with ice cream as you can see in the next picture. That sure looks like a big bowl of ice cream to me!

I found this picture of me in my graduation gown. Is that Steve Ellis I see in the back ground?

My favorite picture of me and my daughter, Sandy, is next. She was eight months old. I made my dress. What a happy time.

We're just about finished going through personal items in the house. I certainly have enjoyed finding pictures and other items of earlier years. It takes me back to memories long forgotten. Some happy . . . some sad. Yet, memories of my life. Thanks, Teddy, for being my protector all those years!

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