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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Morning at Sharp's

Jerry, Mom and I enjoyed a morning at Sharp's at Waterford Farm. Their fall season began and every weekend they have hayrides to their pumpkin fields so you can pick your own off the vine.

We've driven by the farm for years as we drove down to Rockville to see Mom. I've taken pictures before, especially their sheep herd (below). This is a working farm with chickens, pigs, sheep, goats, cows, bunnies and cotton! We'd never been to their "fall open house" so decided to make a visit.

We were met by this country gentleman who resides on the farm. He was a happy fella, enjoying the visitors.

No, we didn't go on a hayride, but we did enjoying seeing the animals and their store. There was also a corn maze, bee hives and face painting.

Following are some of the snaps I took.

When we drove up, the white dog was going after the cows, as the cows were going after the goats! It was a delight to see him in action.

This cow decided to come over and see what I was doing. He got real close and was eyeing me. I could see my reflection in his eye!

Children could feed the goats and chickens. Below are two goats that decided to get away from the crowd.

Mom purchased some maple syrup at the store, and a little scarecrow for her little bedroom!

It was a delight to see the farm and enjoy the animals. As you can see below, the pumpkin patch was ready!

Fall is here. And as in every season, God is painting His creation for our joy! I'm hoping to get out the next two weeks and snap some of those lovely colors He has in His storehouse!

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