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Monday, March 21, 2011

The Thrill of a Snap . . .

Saturday morning found me on another photo shoot, traveling back roads between Mt. Airy and Frederick that I don't frequent. Jerry found a red barn he wanted to snap, and I found a tranquil pasture scene to snap, but nothing out of the ordinary.

That is until we headed home and found a new colt was in the yard with his Mom. I've only snapped a colt once before, and loved the few snaps I got. This little fellow found my camera lens 100 times! I was curious how the snaps of it running would turn out as I shoot automatic. My very favorite snap is the one in the middle of the mosaic above, and alone below.

I've never seen a colt stand up for the first time in person, but there are plenty of You Tube videos showing colts as they attempt to stand up. It is beyond my imagination all the things you can find on the internet. Just google whatever, and whatever usually comes up.

A lot can be said for manual setup and interchangable lenses for a snap, but my automatic, and Photoshop, provide me with all I need to make me happy. I enjoy the serendipity moments most and usually don't have time to manually adjust.

I was sharing the snaps with my friend, Donna, and she pointed out that all feet were off the ground in the snap below. I missed that!

What a way to spend a morning!


  1. I simply love your driving excursions, with results like these who wouldn't. You capture images through you camera lens that I do not get an opportunity to see. Thanks for your efforts...I for one am blessed by them. I LOVE THESE PHOTOS.


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