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Friday, March 11, 2011

A Number

Isn't it strange how good your birth date looks when you turn over the calendar and see it? It is for me. Seeing my birth date brings a "feel good" feeling and makes me smile.

I had that feeling this week. On March 14th I turned 62, and I smiled when I saw my birth date.

Not even the year disgusts me. I've never been concerned about age numbers. When I reached the milestone age of 50 I said, "Thus begins celebrating an entire week!" From that year foreward I have joyfully celebrated each new year.

Maybe my birth date looks especially good because both my "new birth" and wedding anniversary are on the 14th of the month. And those are celebrated with joy as well.

People say the craziest things just to say something. I so often hear people say, "It's better than the alternative," and I wonder if they are aware of the heaven I know. Better than that? Glory no! When my God calls me home, what rejoicing there will be!

As fun as I try and make my birthday celebration, I'm ready to meet my God for an eternaty in heaven. Now that will be a celebration!

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