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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peace and Joy

Pure . . . without blemish . . . Christ.

Turtle and Betty are two old saints who lived with the Araona people for 17 years in the country of Bolivia. They are dear friends to Jerry and me. I was privileged to write an article about their life with the Araona people, titled “Following the Call” and it was published in Alive! Magazine in 1997.

There is a simple description of hope in their newsletter we received this week:“As we come to the end of a very harsh winter in the North East our hearts are excited with the lovely, sunny days and the return of life. All around us we notice the birds singing and the squirrels running about. Also the grass is getting greener and buds are beginning to form.

Exciting? Yes, but not near as exciting as the “New Life” we have in Christ along with the hope of His promised return to “take us out” to be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Our True Hope is in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.”
Yes, peace in our hearts and joy in our souls. Sunday is coming . . .

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I love love LOVE your picture featured on this post. What a tranquil, beautiful image and how befitting to use it to express the greatest lamb of all "Christ" who elected to pay the ultimate sacrifice for us all.


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