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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Capturing Spring . . .

I do believe I’ve been reborn from the cold, harsh winter as I snap God’s creation coming to life this spring! How can one not be awed as we watch nature come alive and see His animals on a thousand hills born.

I've enjoyed these calves and lambs:

This little lamb didnt' stop wailing the entire time I was there.

The two older calves below were mighty curious at what I was doing!

In my post of March 19 I showed the "Field of Spring", below. In that small pasture, all is right with the world . . . calm, peaceful, protected and fulfilled. It sure helped me to relax and remember that God is in control of all things--any and all of my concerns to all creation, even to a little field of spring.

Last week, my neighbor, Dorothy, called me over to snap her parrot tulips that were blooming. (Didn’t know there was such a thing as parrot tulips.) So I snapped around her yard and came up with this beautiful picture of Dorothy’s garden plot and the parrot tulips following.

And my friend, Kathy Kreyling, sent me this lovely shot of a bluebird amidst baby leaves.

My peonies are growing strong in all three locations in our yard. I can hardly wait to see what God will bring me as I wait for them to bloom. See the tiny bud?

Open your eyes and see the beauty . . . and know that heaven will be even greater for our eyes to behold!

1 comment:

  1. Eye has not seen or entered into the heart of man all that the Father has prepared for his own.
    If it is this good under a curse....MAN! I can't wait to get to heaven!!
    Great shots my friend!


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