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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finally Got It!

I’ve been snapping pictures of the magnolia tree, below, for two years and finally got the one I wanted! Both years, during the blooming time, I’d find a car parked next to the tower and I couldn’t work enough magic in Photoshop to make the perfect picture. The day finally came! No vehicle, nice blooms, desired picture!The sun was a little too bright, but I toned it down best I could.

Found some other magnolia trees along the way . . . this one was taken on a rainy, drizzly morning, hence the darker frame. I had to lighten it a little. I feel drawn to the area, to just mosey along on an early morning walk.

I was driving home when I found this tree and had to stop and snap it. It looks so inviting!

Donna Shiflett snapped the picture below titled Petals on the Path. I love it! Definitely one of my favorites.

Next year I’ll have to search for new roads to drive in search of another magnolia tree sitting pretty and inviting!


  1. All your photos are superb! Thanks for sharing God's creation with us Carol.

  2. Beautiful! Makes me want to come sit and eat chocolate with you....


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" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...