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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Finally Got It!

I’ve been snapping pictures of the magnolia tree, below, for two years and finally got the one I wanted! Both years, during the blooming time, I’d find a car parked next to the tower and I couldn’t work enough magic in Photoshop to make the perfect picture. The day finally came! No vehicle, nice blooms, desired picture!The sun was a little too bright, but I toned it down best I could.

Found some other magnolia trees along the way . . . this one was taken on a rainy, drizzly morning, hence the darker frame. I had to lighten it a little. I feel drawn to the area, to just mosey along on an early morning walk.

I was driving home when I found this tree and had to stop and snap it. It looks so inviting!

Donna Shiflett snapped the picture below titled Petals on the Path. I love it! Definitely one of my favorites.

Next year I’ll have to search for new roads to drive in search of another magnolia tree sitting pretty and inviting!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

"That Old Past . . . "

For her survival Rehab depended on the promise given by the spies whom she recognized as the representatives of the God of Israel. Her faith was not only simple and resolute but also very obedient.” Charles Spurgeon

Rahab, a prostitute when the spies of Israel found her, expressed great faith in the true God of her city’s enemy. And although once a prostitute, a Gentile, and a foreigner to Israel, she goes on to become the great-great-grandmother of Israel’s King David from whose line the Messiah would come . . . In light of this, never allow YOUR past, which has been covered by the blood of Christ, to keep you from doing great things for Him.” Jim Reimann

It is so easy to get caught up in mental exercises of the past. Usually they are not good mental exercises, but painful reminders of things we can do nothing about now. When I’ve settled into this arena of no good thinking, I’ve conditioned my mind to bring to light quickly the words of Paul: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

This didn’t happen quickly. It took years to fight the urge within me to quickly snuff out negative thoughts. But now I don’t get too far before I remember Paul’s words.

We do learn from that old past, but we don’t need to dwell in it. So whatever is in your past that seems to haunt you, and not let you be, condition your mind to say “Stop!” and take a new road of thought that brings your mind to true and noble thoughts. (Sometimes you may have to shout Stop! several times, but eventually you win out.) Then go out and do something good! Have a daisy kind of day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Capturing Spring . . .

I do believe I’ve been reborn from the cold, harsh winter as I snap God’s creation coming to life this spring! How can one not be awed as we watch nature come alive and see His animals on a thousand hills born.

I've enjoyed these calves and lambs:

This little lamb didnt' stop wailing the entire time I was there.

The two older calves below were mighty curious at what I was doing!

In my post of March 19 I showed the "Field of Spring", below. In that small pasture, all is right with the world . . . calm, peaceful, protected and fulfilled. It sure helped me to relax and remember that God is in control of all things--any and all of my concerns to all creation, even to a little field of spring.

Last week, my neighbor, Dorothy, called me over to snap her parrot tulips that were blooming. (Didn’t know there was such a thing as parrot tulips.) So I snapped around her yard and came up with this beautiful picture of Dorothy’s garden plot and the parrot tulips following.

And my friend, Kathy Kreyling, sent me this lovely shot of a bluebird amidst baby leaves.

My peonies are growing strong in all three locations in our yard. I can hardly wait to see what God will bring me as I wait for them to bloom. See the tiny bud?

Open your eyes and see the beauty . . . and know that heaven will be even greater for our eyes to behold!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Peonies and Baby Leaves

Last year my husband, Jerry, planted peonies for me. As a matter of fact, he plants everything for me. Green thumb I am not; admirer I am indeed!

Last June, my friend, Karla Dornacher, shared a post about how God turns our sorrows into joy when He spoke to her after a serious thunderstorm took vengeance on her peony bush. She rescued the blossoms and carefully sprayed the mud from their petals to find none were lost. God showed her we are left broken sometimes from the fury of the winds and rain of this world, but there is always hope as we call out to our Savior. He reaches down from heaven and gently, lovingly lifts up our heads, washes us with His Holy Spirit and Truth and carefully restores us.

I loved her story, and it awakened my love of peonies! The next week Jerry surprised me with five plants! He planted them in three different areas in our yard.

Last week Jerry brought me the good news that it looked like our peonies were alive. Easter weekend I snapped the evidence, below. My anticipation to see if there will be any blooms this first year is high. And that isn’t all that is alive . . .

Can it be coincidence that Easter Sunday morning my baby leaves opened on the maple tree outside my writing room window? I think not. The day in which we celebrate the greatest hope this world has ever known, God opened my baby leaves, giving new life, living hope. See that baby leaf behind the blossoms?

New life is all around me . . . What would we do without spring? Some thoughts to ponder:

The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.” Bern Williams

Expect to have hope rekindled. Expect your prayers to be answered in wondrous ways. The dry seasons in life do not last. The spring rains will come again.” Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Springs is God’s way of saying hello.” Unknown

Springtime ... invites you to try out its splendor . . . to believe anew. To realize that the same Lord who renews the trees with buds and blossoms is ready to renew your life with hope and courage.” Charles R. Swindoll

"Science has never drummed up quite as effective a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day." W. Earl Hall

“If you've never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.” Terri Guillemets

"I think that no matter how old or infirm I may become, I will always plant a large garden in the spring. Who can resist the feelings of hope and joy that one gets from participating in nature's rebirth?" Edward Giobbi

Enjoy spring!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Peace and Joy

Pure . . . without blemish . . . Christ.

Turtle and Betty are two old saints who lived with the Araona people for 17 years in the country of Bolivia. They are dear friends to Jerry and me. I was privileged to write an article about their life with the Araona people, titled “Following the Call” and it was published in Alive! Magazine in 1997.

There is a simple description of hope in their newsletter we received this week:“As we come to the end of a very harsh winter in the North East our hearts are excited with the lovely, sunny days and the return of life. All around us we notice the birds singing and the squirrels running about. Also the grass is getting greener and buds are beginning to form.

Exciting? Yes, but not near as exciting as the “New Life” we have in Christ along with the hope of His promised return to “take us out” to be with Him forever (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) Our True Hope is in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross.”
Yes, peace in our hearts and joy in our souls. Sunday is coming . . .

Happy Easter!

Coping With Change

" Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;  do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you ...