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Friday, July 31, 2009

"Minding the Heart II . . . "

A few weeks ago I posted “Minding The Heart . . .” Recently I pulled up some “gems” of Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers. There were several that spoke of the heart. I’ve shared a few below. One Hundred “gems” can be found on I recommend it highly.

"'All my fountains are in you,' said David. If you have all your fountains in God, your heart will be completely full. If you went to the foot of Calvary, there your heart will be bathed in love and gratitude. If you go often to your place of seclusion, and there talk with your God, it is there that your heart will be filled with calm determination. If you go out with the Master to the Mount of Olives, and looked down with Him on a wicked Jerusalem, and weep over it with Him, then your heart will be full of love for eternal souls. If you continually draw your stimulus, your life, your entire being from the Holy Spirit, without whom you can do nothing, and if you live in close communion with Christ, then there will be no fear of you having a cold heart. . .

“Don't keep back any part of your life. Make a full surrender of every inclination of your heart; work to have but one purpose, and one aim. And for this purpose give God complete control of your heart. Cry out for more of the divine control of the Holy Spirit, so that as your soul is preserved and protected by Him, that it may be directed into one river, and one only, that your life may run deep and pure, and clear and peaceful; its only banks being God's will, its only river the love of Christ and a desire to please Him.

My sunflower friend above was a nice surprised last evening. My husband, Jerry, brought home this happy sunflower to make me smile (which it did). I put it out by the back gate to see if it would attract any visitors. I was pleasantly surprised when one of “our” fawns came by for a sniff.

1 comment:

  1. There is a river
    That flows from God above,
    There is a fountain
    That's filled with His great love,
    Come to this water
    There is a vast supply,
    There is a river
    That never shall run dry.

    David and Max Sapp
    Always loved this song. Thanks for the post and the sweet photo!
    Have a great day my friend!


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