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Friday, July 24, 2009

"Is This Me?"

“The highest earthly enjoyments are but a shadow of the joy I find in reading God’s Word.”
Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554)

I have to admit, when I read this quote, I wanted it to be me, but wasn’t sure it was. I certainly love God’s Word–reading it, hearing it, and reading resources from other people who share God’s Word. But do earthly pleasures over shadow it?

What do I enjoy? And do I enjoy it more than reading God’s Word? Do I enjoy photography more than I do reading God’s Word? Do I enjoy “dates” with friends more than reading God’s Word? Do I enjoy creating on the computer more than I do reading God’s Word? Do I enjoy sitting in my backyard listening to all nature brings my way more than I do reading God’s Word?

I do love taking pictures! God’s creatures and creation are awesome and capturing a scene in a serendipity moment is a thrill. Breakfast, lunch, dinner–any date with friends is special, especially if they live for Jesus. Creating on the computer making note cards from pictures I take is very satisfying and fun. Sitting in the back yard with Jerry, and our dog, Sammy, is a special time, one of rest and refreshment.

I do love doing all these things . . . but nothing thrills my soul more than reading and hearing God’s Word. So I do believe I am in agreement with Lady Jane Grey. The centuries may come and go but God’s Word will always live.

Below picture I captured last evening driving home. A secluded two lane road with a small creek brought these two young fawns for water. Do you see both of them?


  1. Awww!
    There really is nothing on this earth that will continue like God's word. "Heaven and earth will pass away but My word will not pass away." What a joy to know the words that we hide in our heart of HIS down here will have the same comfort in Heaven.

  2. I concur. God's word is freshing waters. Thank you for sharing and making me probe my own conscience. Your posted photo is awesome and yes, I found the second deer but had to search for it a bit.


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