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Friday, August 7, 2009

Awash With Tears

On the back cover of this month’s Home Life, Ivey Harrington Beckman talks about tears, calling herself outright, a crybaby. How I can relate to that! God made me so tender that anything that requires an emotional response will produce tears in me.

Ivey asked God about her cryablilty (my new word). His response to her was enlightening and pleasant. “I wanted someone to share My tears, so I carved you from the most tender part of My heart . . . I created you, My tenderhearted child, to cry with Me – and by doing so, show the world just how much I care.”

Although I wish I didn’t cry at the drop of a hat, He made me tender so I could serve Him with His special gift of encouraging. Billy Graham said, “Tears shed for self are tears of weakness, but tears shed for others are a sign of strength.”

There certainly are times for tears, both in women and men. Ken Lyle, former BCM/D Executive Director, wrote about tears in his Journeying column in 1986: “It took a long time for me to learn that real men (and women)* do cry, even in public. There is a time for weeping (Ecclesiastes 3:4) and the sooner men (and women) understand and apply this truth, the more real and healthy they will be.

A teardrop on earth summons the King of heaven.” Charles Swindoll
God sees tears fall (2 Kings 20:5). One of my favorite things to do is watch the Gaither Homecoming videos. Many times during the course of listening to beautiful music, the singers shed tears. No embarrassment … just heartfelt moving of His spirit.

Ivey ends her article referencing Psalm 56:8 where scripture says our tears are caught in a bottle. Ivey says her tears “must be caught in a rain barrel!” I like that. I don’t always like crying, but if it allows me to use the gift God has given me to help others, I guess I’ll shed many tears in thanksgiving to Him!

• Insertion mine

The above picture is in memory of my friend, Cindy Dunigan's dog, Arial. She was a sweetheart! I shed teardrops for her kisses.


  1. " A teardrop on earth summons the King of Heaven" I love this quote. I find that those who have, in your words,"cryability" are the best listeners. They seem to have the ability to dive deep in the heart of matters. I thank God for them, they are like to balm of ointment in a time of need. I am glad that you are a sensitive soul, for that my world is sweeter. The next time I find myself dropping tears, may I remember that not one falls unnoticed by the King of Heaven.

  2. I love how the Bible says it is God who will wipe away all tears from our eyes in Heaven.


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